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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之❤从经典到动感❤(经典部分相信听过都会喜欢的~){15/9更新101}
级别: 皓月祭司

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100  发表于: 2009-09-10  
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UID: 44908
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101  发表于: 2009-09-10  
引用第99楼aini3399于2009-09-10 14:50发表的  :

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UID: 44908
精华: 16
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在线时间: 2915(时)
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102  发表于: 2009-09-10  
歌手介绍----Jaci Velasquez


Jaci Velasquez(杰西.韦拉斯克斯)1979年10月15日生于美国,10岁开始歌唱,13岁就到白宫去参加表演,1995年的第一张单曲就创下了CCM排行榜第一名的好成绩,之后更是佳绩不断,包括拉丁格莱美奖提名等等,至今唱片销量已超出300万张,在当地可以说是家喻户晓,演唱风格则是兼具热情奔放、柔缓抒情,相信听过专辑之后定会对她动听的嗓音、极富特色的演唱风格留下较深的印象......
  Jaci Velasquez有着和Christina 相似的声音,却比后者乖巧健康;她也有着和jennifer lopez类似的拉丁气质,却比后者多了一份青春活力。1979年出生的Jaci Velasquez在她17岁时已经征服了拉丁福音歌坛。

这里给大家听的是【imagine me without you】


As long as stars shine down from Heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
'Til the end of time, forever
You're the only love I'll need

In my life, You're all that matters
In my eyes, the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You're the one that's there for me

When I found You I was blessed
And I will never leave You
I need You

Imagine me without You
I'd be lost and so confused
I wouldn't last a day
I'd be afraid without You there to see me through
Imagine me without You
Lord, You know it's just impossible
Because of You
It's all brand new
My life is now worth while
I can't imagine me without You

When You caught me I was falling
Your love lifted me back on my feet
It was like You heard my calling
And You rushed to set me free

When I found You I was blessed
And I will never leave You
I need You


When I found You I was blessed
And I will never leave You
I need You


I can't imagine me without You

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UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
橘果: 44656 颗
威望: 23352 点
光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
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103  发表于: 2009-09-10  
歌手介绍----S club 7


S CLUB 7不只是一个全新的七人流行乐团,也是一群优秀的年轻演员,在BBC电视台的影集Miami 7中担纲,演出一群力争上游的七人流行乐团团员。这部影集从'99年春季开始在BBC电视频道「Miami 7」影集中上演,叫好又叫座。故事背景为什么会选在迈阿密呢?其实故事一开始发生在潮湿、灰色的英国,七个渴望进入音乐界的年轻人,没有钱、没有演出机会、也没有听众。唯一的转机发生在经纪人给了他们一次难得的假期,让他们到迈阿密---这个电影明星、唱片制作人、好莱坞大导演荟萃的大城市!他们紧紧抓住这个机会出道,不料这个梦想中的天堂竟变成一场恶梦,光鲜亮丽的外表下藏着颓圮的内幕,他们着实不敢相信!于是一连串的冒险及险阻纷至沓来…

S CLUB 7在戏剧方面获得成功后,也大举进军歌坛,俨然已经成为新的流行现象。S Club 7是一个独特、才华洋溢且充满旺盛企图心的年轻偶像团体,成员包括巧儿(Jo)、蒂娜(Tina)、瑞秋(Rachel)、乔(Jon)、保罗(Paul)、汉娜(Hannah)、布莱尼(Bradley)7个16--22岁的年轻人,因为凭着对音乐、舞蹈、戏剧表演与流行时尚的热忱以及「我们一定可以做到」的自信让他们结合在一起。

全然展现7个人青春活力与音乐实力的首张专辑【S Club 7】,开场单曲"Bring it All Back"以朗朗上口的副歌与活泼快意的节奏,首周发行立即跃登英国金榜冠军、趁势推出的"S Club Party"更是抓住英国青少年的视听口味,单曲榜亚军的位置又非他们莫属;1999年耶诞前夕推出的双单曲"Two in a Million"、"You're My Number 1"持续发烧至英国金榜亚军。双白金的专辑销售数字更把后街男孩「千禧情」在英国白金销售的成绩直比了下去!比人气,英国NO.1偶像杂志「Smash Hits」封面人物&专栏介绍是S CLUB 7、比实力,'99年全英音乐奖「最佳新进团体」得奖组合还是S CLUB 7!世纪交替之际,英国权威音乐杂志Music Week祭出「1999英国单曲榜TOP40」名单,S CLUB 7在40名中即占了3名!旺盛的人气在这支甫出道不到1年的偶像实力团体中刹现!

润润喉咙准备尖叫、竖起耳朵准备观赏聆听,错过任何一秒都是可惜!如果你以为自己能够预料S CLUB 7的演出,那么你就大错特错了!今年夏天,慢慢享受S CLUB 7青春与活力的洗礼!

这里给大家听的是【Never had a dream come true】

everybody's got something
they had to leave behind
one regret from yesterday
that just seems to grow with time
there's no use looking back or wondering
how it could be now or might have been
all this i know but still i can't find ways
to let you go
i never had a dream come true
'til the day that i found you
even though i pretend that i've moved on
you'll always be my baby
i never found the words to say
you're the one i think about each day
and i know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will always be with you, yeah
somewhere in my memory
i've lost all sense of time
and tommorow can never be
'cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
there's no use looking back or wondering
how it should be now or might have been
all this i know but still i can't find ways
to let you go
i never had a dream come true
'til the day that i found you
even though i pretend that i've moved on
you'll always be my baby
i never found the words to say
you're the one i think about each day
and i know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will always be
you'll always be the dream that fills my head
yes you will, say you will
you know you will, oh baby
you'll always be the one i know i'll never forget
it's no use looking back or wondering
because love is a strange and funny thing
no matter how i try and try
i just can't say goodbye, no, no, no, no
i never had a dream come true
'til the day that i found you
even though i pretend that i've moved on
you'll always be my baby
i never found the words
to say
you're the one i think about each day
and i know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will always be
a part of me will always be with you, ooh



这里给大家听的是【Two in a million】

Out of all the boys, you’re not like the others
From the very first day, I knew we’d be lovers
In my wildest dreams, my darkest desire
Would I declare to you, your love takes me higher
Just when we both thought our lives were set in stone
They shone a light, and brought us together
We are two in a million
We’ve got all the luck we could be given
If the world should stop, we’ll still have each other
And no matter what, we’ll be forever as one
It’s a crazy world, where everythin’s changin’
One minute your up, and the next thing you’re breakin’
When I lose my way, and the skies they get heavy
It’ll be ok, the moment you’re with me
No-one would have guessed we’d be standing strong today
Solid as a rock, and perfect in every way
We are two in a million
We’ve got all the luck we could given
If the world should stop, we’ll still have each other
And no matter what, we’ll be forever as one
Forever as one
We are two in a million
We’ve got all the luck we could given
If the world should stop, we’ll still have each other
And no matter what, we’ll be forever as one
We are two in a million
We’ve got all the luck we could given
If the world should stop, we’ll still have each other
And no matter what, we’ll be forever as one
We are two in a million
We’ve got all the luck we could given
If the world should stop, we’ll still have each other
And no matter what, we’ll be forever as
No matter what, we’ll be forever as
No matter what, we’ll be forever as one

这首歌也是比较快节奏的。WE ARE TWO IN A MILLION那样一个个词来唱很有特点很有爱啊。特别是唱着唱着有一个飙高音的背景音,我爱那高音。这首歌也是,不论歌词是什么,听着就是很向着明天的感觉,情绪比较积极的,WE ARE TWO IN A MILLION这段,让我感觉像是看到了7个人站在一个阳光的起跑线准备往前奔了~
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-11 00:34重新编辑 ]
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104  发表于: 2009-09-10  
这里给大家听的是【Have you Ever】

sometimes it's wrong to walk away
though you think it's over
knowing there's so much more to say
suddenly the moment's gone
and all your dreams are upside down
and you just want to change the way the world goes round

tell me
have you ever loved and lost somebody
wished there was a chance to say i'm sorry
can't you see
that's the way i feel about you and me
baby have you ever felt your heart was breaking
looking down the road you should be taking
i should know
'cos i loved and lost the day i let (you go)

can't help but think that this is wrong
we should be together
back in your arms where i belong
now i finally realise
it was forever that i found
i'd give it all to change the way the world goes round

tell me
have you ever loved and lost somebody
wished there was a chance to say i'm sorry
can't you see
that's the way i feel about you and me
baby have you ever felt your heart was breaking
looking down the road you should be taking
i should know ( i should know)
'cos i loved and lost the day i let (you go)

i really want to hear you say
that you know just how it feels
to have it all and let it slip away
can't you see
i know the moment's gone
i'm still holding on somehow
wishing i could change the way the world goes round

tell me
have you ever loved and lost somebody
wished there was a chance to say i'm sorry
can't you see
that's the way i feel about you and me
baby have you ever felt your heart was breaking
looking down the road you should be taking
i should know (i should know)
'cos i loved and lost the day i let (you go)
yes i loved and lost the day i let
yes i loved and lost the day i let you go



这里给大家听的是【bring it all back】

don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
hold on to what you try to be
your individuality
when the world is on your shoulders
just smile and let it go
if people try to put you down
just walk on by don't turn around
you only have to answer to yourself
don't you know its true what they say
that life it ain't easy
but your time's coming around
so don't you stop trying

don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
dream of falling in love
anything you've been thinking of
when the world seems to get too tough
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)

try not to worry about a thing
enjoy the good times life can bring
keep good all the solitude
got to let the feeling show
imagination is the key
because you are your own destiny
never should be lonely when time is on your side
don't you know its true what they say
things are sent to try you
but your times coming around
(so don't stop trying)

don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
dream of falling in love
anything you've been thinking of
when the world seems to get too tough
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)

don't you know its true what they say
things happen for a reason
but you times coming around
so don'i you stop tryin'
don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
dream of falling in love
anything you've been thinking of
when the world seems to get too tough
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
dream of falling in love
anything you've been thinking of
when the world seems to get too tough
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
don't stop, never give up
hold your head high and reach the top
let the world see what you have got
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)
dream of falling in love
anything you've been thinking of
when the world seems to get too tough
bring it all back to you
(bring it all back now)

这个开头是纯音乐带入的,不过一听就像是要跳起来的那种活泼感,又有点像是奔向明天的那种感觉,还是最喜欢他们的和声,总觉得听着更有志气更有希望又更团结。DON'T STOP NEVER GIV UP,不知道为啥听到这句就会想跟着跳起踢踏舞,整首歌比较可爱风格的那种,为啥我越听越觉得像是某电视剧的主题曲呢。话说以前我听还以为这个名字叫dont stop never give up囧
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-11 01:33重新编辑 ]
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105  发表于: 2009-09-10  
这里给大家听的是A1【Same Old Brand New You】


i can still remember the time you were there
when i needed to hold you, feel you
everytime i ask you to find a new way
you lie a new way
is it gone, gone, gone, gone, gone

you said you'd change
but i'm afraid
it's something i won't live to see
it's seems so strange
that sometimes fate
can appear to be so real
and yet turn out to be a fantasy

same old line, one more time
say you're gonna be, there for me
say you'll change, change your ways
never gonna keep your promises
same old game (you know it doesn't turn me on)
brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
no more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone, gone, gone, gone, gone)

another night, another day
what can i say
you're still the same old brand new you
you break your promises in two
what can i do
when you're the same old brand new you

because of you, i guess we're through
is this the way it has to be
i've been a fool (i've been a fool)
a fool for you (a fool for you)
but i've got better things to do than let you walk all over me

same old line, one more time
say you're gonna be, there for me
say you'll change, change your ways
never gonna keep your promises
same old game (you know it doesn't turn me on)
brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
no more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone, gone, gone, gone, gone)

another night, another day
what can i say
you're still the same old brand new you
you break your promises in two
what can i do
when you're the same old brand new you

i can still remember the time you were there
when i needed to hold you, feel you
everytime i ask you to find a new way
you lie a new way
is it gone, gone, gone, gone, gone

same old line, one more time
say you're gonna be, there for me
say you'll change, change your ways
never gonna keep your promises
same old game (you know it doesn't turn me on)
brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
no more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone, gone, gone, gone, gone)

another night, another day
what can i say
you're still the same old brand new you
you break your promises in two
what can i do
when you're still the same old brand new you

another night, another day
what i can say
you break your promises in two
what can i do

another night, another day
what i can say
you're still the same old brand new you
you break your promises in two
what can i do



歌手介绍----a teens


  A-teensteens-Pop Til’ You Drop
  阿巴少年组由Marie Serneholt(玛莉17岁)\Amit Paul(艾明17岁)、Sara Lumholdt(莎拉16岁)和Dhani Lennevald(达尼,16)四人所组成。首支单曲Mamma Mia只用了一星期便打破瑞典的销售记录,使得Mamma Mia停留在冠军王座2个月,成为1999年瑞典最畅销单曲。首张专辑《The ABBA Generation(新世代疯暴)》以年轻活力来重新诠释70年代美声团体ABBA的经典歌曲。并凭此专辑在2000年9月击败克莉丝汀、眨眼182等强敌勇夺Viva Music Award所颁发的最佳国际新人奖。

这里给大家听的是【Halfway Around The World】

baby i will soon be leaving
and i know that you are feeling down

but every week i'll send a letter
to let you know my love will never change
i promise you i always feel the same
so remember in your heart
baby when we are apart
there's no need for crying
cuz even if i am
halfway around the world
that won't stop me from loving you
halfway around the world
still be feeling the way i do
now i wanna hold you baby
cuz i'm gonna miss you like crazy
even if i'm halfway around the world
baby when the miles are growing
you and i will still be growing strong
no matter what your friends are saying
don't give up on what you're waiting for
cuz one day i'll be knocking on your door
so remember in your heart
baby when we are apart
there's no need for crying
cuz even if i am
halfway around the world
that won't stop me from loving you
halfway around the world
still be feeling the way i do
now i wanna hold you baby
cuz i'm gonna miss you like crazy
even if i'm halfway around the world
if i could you know that i would find a way
to stay for good but i must go now
i wanna hold you baby
i'm gonna miss you like crazy even if i'm...

halfway around the world
that won't stop me from loving you
halfway around the world
still be feeling the way i do
now i wanna hold you baby
cuz i'm gonna miss you like crazy
even if i'm halfway around the world
halfway around the world
that won't stop me from loving you
halfway around the world
still be feeling the way i do
now i wanna hold you baby
cuz i'm gonna miss you like crazy
even if i'm halfway around the world

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-11 02:08重新编辑 ]
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106  发表于: 2009-09-11  
英文的 最喜欢《弄你》那个调百听不厌
kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
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在线时间: 2915(时)
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107  发表于: 2009-09-11  
歌手介绍----Ana Johnsson


别人对Ana的评价:由她的重磅歌曲“We Are”而认识她,在这首蜘蛛侠2主题曲之后,Ana紧接着在2004年10月4日发行了单曲“Don't Cry For Pain” 。Ana和具有传奇色彩的瑞典音乐制作人一起创作了“Don't Cry For Pain”。马丁因 为流行明星诸如布兰妮、贾斯汀写歌而出名,但Ana说他是“Rocker At Heart”(彻头彻尾的摇滚制作人)你会想知道Ana怎样引发了马丁更摇滚的一面。强劲的吉他,有力的歌词,Ana充满力度的嗓音...她年轻,有活力,漂亮而且有才。以“决不胡说”的姿态,她一定会真诚的做音乐。(听上去很好,可惜不太像真的)
  Ana的自评(Sony BMG的Biography Of Ana):“有时,”她说。“我清洗自己的大脑并“关机。”似乎过多的想法装满了她的脑子,还有太多计划。“另一方面,我觉得我会疯掉, 绝对不会!“”她说:“因为我能!”她作为独唱歌手的第一张专辑,就取名为“因为我能”(Coz I Can),瑞典年轻人感谢她丰富的想法,无穷的创造力和点燃大脑的原初的摇滚的力量。...“其实我梦想做画家,滑雪运动员,半个也行”...但实际上Ana在专业学校学习了素描,而且去美国当过职业滑滑运动员。“我在赌场当过副主持人(还有副主持人?)”Ana说,“也没有放弃过当画家的念头。但我去唱片店当兼职后想唱歌”...然后,Ana当了歌手。“我知道人不能活太久,我想做很多事,然后总担心时间不够”Ana确实做过很多事,然后现在也如愿的成为了优秀的歌手。至于以后,Ana摇着她的一头金发,“我怎么跟你说明天?”
  经历:Ana出生于瑞典哥德堡,但是全家很快搬去了Värmland省 。
  2001年初,她回到了卡斯塔德,然后回到了家乡哥德堡。她听说了“Popstar In 2001 ”的选秀比赛,决定去碰碰运气。
  Jenny Karolina, Kristina Bergfoth, Malin Catharina Olsson, Susanna Emily Anna Patoleta 和 Ana.
  2002年夏天,Ana离开了Excellence而开始了独唱生涯。2004年春天,她发行了第一张个人专辑“Coz I Can”在祖国瑞典。仅仅几周后,专辑“the Way I Am”发行,因为蜘蛛侠2的主题曲“We Are”,Ana获得了国际声誉。
  2年后的Little Angel 包含了Jade Warrior 的原声带里的Days OfSummer 和瑞典恐怖片Exit的主题曲Exception,其中Catch Me If You Can使Ana获得多项提名。

这里给大家听的是【We Are】

see the devil on the doorstep now
my oh my
telling everybody ,oh just how to live their lives
sliding down the information highway
buying in just like a bunch of fools
time is ticking and we can't go back
what about the world today
what about the place that we call home
we've never been so many
and we've never been
so alone
keep watching from your picket fence
you keep talking but it makes no sence
you say we're not responsible
but we are, we are
you wash your hands
you come out clean
but fail to recognize the enemy's within
we are
one step forward, making two steps back
riding piggy on the bad boys back
for life
lining up for the grand illusion
no answers for no questions asked
lining up for the execution
without knowing why
it's all about power, bout taking control
breaking the will ,and raping the soul
they suck us dry 'til there's nothing left
my oh my my oh my
and we've never been
(it's all about power, bout taking control)
(breaking the will ,and raping the soul)
(they suck us dry 'til there's nothing left)
(my oh my my oh my)
(it's all about, it's all about power, bout taking control)




(水叮当)这个乐队组合来自北欧,由4人组成:Lene Grawford Nystrom和Rene Dif负责声音,Soren Rasted和Claus Norreen负责制作。他们出道的第一张专辑"Aquriuml" 中的单曲“Barbie Girl”、“Doctor Jones”、“Turn Back Time”销量便超出百万。其中“Barbie Girl”更是将Aqua塑造成为乐坛最具卡通个性的流行乐队。
  接着他们与一家瑞典的唱片公司签订了合同,但第一首单曲Itzy Bitzy就一败涂地,他们决定重新把自己塑造成卡通形象的乐队AQUA,于1996年在丹麦出版了第一首单曲Roses Are Red,接下来的My Oh My仅用六天时间就到达丹麦热卖单曲排行榜冠军的位置,但直到1997年的大热金曲《芭比娃娃(BARBIE -GIRL)》才使他们在国际乐坛扬名立万。可以预料,玩具公司MATTEL对于影射他们冠军销量的娃娃非常不开心,指控AQUA的唱片公司侵权。不过此举并没有阻止这首单曲在全球卖出4百万张。
  AQUA似乎是一支一曲走天涯的乐队,不过他们最新的动向仍然震动了公众。快速的火焰舞蹈拍子、明快色调的VIDEO、活泼的节奏、喜剧性的动作表演吸引了少男少女,再加上幽默的倾向,让人看到这支乐队的必胜方程式。但是AQUA也显示出他们完全不同的另外一面,《TURN BACK TIME》证明了LENE令人印象深刻的唱功 。
  创建于1998年的AQUA合唱团由来自挪威的女主唱Leone Nystrom、DJ Rene Norren和Claus Noreen、Soren Rasted四位成员组成,他们造型定位鲜明,有着很强的卡通味道,老少皆宜。曲风则是以目前十分流行且上口的Techno舞曲为主。1996年的EP大碟〈MyohMy〉使他们一鸣惊人,而翌年的专辑〈Barbie Girl〉更令AQUA的卡通舞曲风潮席卷了欧美、日本和东南亚地区。
  他们全欧冠军单曲〈Barbie Girl〉和〈Docotor Jones〉也迅速地在世界各地的舞池和大街小巷四处蔓延。随即,卡通舞曲的形式亦被许多新兴的舞曲组合和歌手们争相效仿,连“小燕子”赵薇那张狂卖的专辑〈爱情大魔咒〉也忍不住借AQUA的热门单曲〈Docotor Jones〉的旋律火了一把。
  继安徒生之后最成功的丹麦外销品恐怕就是AQUA(水叮当)了。他们首张专辑中的单曲"Barbie Girl","Dr. Jones","My Oh My","Turn Back Time"连获英国金榜冠军,尤其是"Barbie Girl"更是将AQUA塑造成乐团最具卡通个性的流行队伍。
  Aqua水叮当掀起的狂热风潮一路延烧到2000年带点电子舞曲味道的《CartoonHeroes》。2001年在水叮当乐团宣布解散之后,兰娜决定与团员索伦走上红毯,直到今年年初才决定用本名“LeneNystrom”单飞复出。她先是为新女子团体GirlsAloud合写了一首动感十足的排行金曲“NoGoodAdvice”,其后Lene兰娜以单飞之姿推出的最新个人专辑更是一触即发,这张专辑也有一个极为贴切的名称《PlayWithMe/与我一起游戏》。其中的主打歌曲Pretty Young Thing就是现在被张含韵翻唱成《酸酸甜甜就是我》.
  在2009年6月15日在丹麦和瑞典先行发行的“Greatest Hits”是北欧丹麦国宝舞曲乐队Aqua水叮当的第二张精选集,5月27日专辑曲目被确定,包括重新数位录音的16首老歌以及3支水叮当新歌: "Back to the 80's", "My Mamma Said", 和 "Live Fast - Die Young"。目前"Back to the 80's"已经拍摄了MV。包括了至少7支曾收录在前两张专辑中但未发行的单曲。还没有确定这张精选集是否会发行DVD。 2008年有传闻Aqua将会制作发行其第三张录音室专辑。乐队证实并非如此,但是将会发行带有其乐队新风格的歌曲的精选专辑。精选集未包括单曲 "Good Morning Sunshine" 和"Bumble Bees", 以及宣传的单曲"Didn't I"。
  09新精选集,是否会是水叮当重回歌迷实现的首步动作呢?无数泡泡糖舞曲团体只有水叮当才可以让我们回想起那个年代独有的感怀。从三首新歌的歌名中,我们也可以看出,AQUA急切地想拉回曾经喜爱过他们的老歌迷。但曾经喜欢他们的歌迷,都已经成家立业,还会喜欢快到不惑之年的Leone Nystrom演唱卡通式的歌曲吗?
  A、赵薇 《爱情大魔咒》 《DOCTOR JONES》
  B、花儿乐队 《加减乘除》 《TURN BACK TIME》
  C、张含韵 《酸酸甜甜就是我》 《PRETTY YOUNG THING》
  D、VASIA 《Love story》 《Cartoon Heroes》
  1.Aquarius (很空灵哦)
  2.Around The World (有激情~)
  3.Barbie Girl (很可爱的说)
  4.Goodbye To The Circus (恩,合唱)
  5.My Oh My (童话般)
  6.Doctor Jones (节奏很好啊)

这里给大家听的是【Barbie girl】

hi ken
do you wanna go for a ride?
sure ken.
jump in.

i'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world

life in plastic, it's fantastic.

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.

imagination, life is your creation.
come on barbie, let's go party!
i'm a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world,
dress me up, make it tight, i'm your dolly.
you're my doll, rock'nd roll, feel the glamour in pink,
kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky.
you can touch, you can play, if you say:"i'm alwaysyours"
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please,
i can act like a star, i can beg on my knees.
come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,
hit the town, fool around, let's go party
you can touch, you can play, if you say:"i'm alwaysyours"
you can touch, you can play, if you say:"i'm alwaysyours"
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
come on barbie, let's go party!
oh, i'm having so much fun!
well barbie, we are just getting started.
oh, i love you ken.

这首歌整首是走可爱活泼路线的,刚开头我每次听每次都想笑,这首似乎很熟悉,总觉得是什么的主题曲。我每次听都在想这两个人是啥关系捏,因为男的声音太老了,女的声音太嫩了orz,如果是情侣似乎有点……黄昏恋?如果是父女的话,父亲带女儿去party也挺特别的嘿嘿,不过主角就是barbie这个小女孩,倒觉得男的啥关系都没啥,但是很多词总是让我忍不住猜测orz,比如im always yours, i love you等,如果不是男的声音不太搭估计我也不会想太多了= =
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歌手介绍----Bowling For Soup


1994年力量十足的流行朋克乐队Bowling for Soup在德州的Wichita Falls成立。
  演唱/吉他手Jaret Reddick,
  贝司Erik Chandler,
  鼓手Gary Wisema。
  乐队真正成型于1997年,通过这一年的一系列的巡回演出,他们拓宽了歌迷群体并成为公众认可的出色朋克乐队。在接下的一年,他们灌录了第一张唱片。名为:Tell Me When to Whoa!之后他们的制作室搬到德州Denton,同时也是他们的大本营。在1998年Bowling for Soup发行第一张完整专集:RockonHonorable Ones!!!这个和上一唱片大获成功,在2000推出唱片Let's Do It for Johnny!收录了之前的出色的单曲如独唱"The ***** Song"和翻唱BryanAdams"Summer of '69."两年之后乐队发布了新专集Drunk Enough to Dance,2004年推出大热专集A Hangover You Don't Deserve,另外值得一提的是1985已被收录至流行音乐风向标的《NOW 17》中!
  来自于美国德克萨斯州的四人流行朋克乐队Bowling For Soup (保龄汤乐团),是由主唱兼吉他手Jaret Reddick、吉他手Chris Burney、贝斯手Erik Chandler和鼓手Gary Wisema四位年轻小伙子在1994年组成。1998年,他们独立发行了一张EP以及录音室专辑后,不仅在地下朋克音乐界引来阵阵好评,更吸引了主流大厂牌Jive唱片注意并签入旗下。2000年,保龄汤乐团又出版集结了在独立厂牌时期发行的单曲及一些新创作歌曲的进军全球舞台的专辑《Let’s Do It For Johnny!》。两年间的密集曝光,2002年问世的《Drunk Enough To Dance》赢得热门潜力榜亚军席位,强势主打〈Girl All The Bad Guys Want〉首度打开英国市场,挺入金榜Top 8位置。2004年乘胜追击之《A Hangover You Don’t Deserve》依然站上热门潜力榜亚军,并顺利打上流行专辑榜Top 37,单曲〈1985〉更飙上流行单曲榜和成人抒情榜Top 10的好成绩。
  2003年,保龄汤乐团凭借他们的一首热门单曲〈Girl All The Bad Guys Want〉首度荣获格莱美奖「最佳流行团体」提名,建立起自己流行味浓、畅快到底的快乐享受型朋克音乐。虽然最近似乎有越来越多乐团纷纷向复古味觉靠拢,然而他们那种轻松愉快欢乐满点、散尽校园式轻松无厘头年轻气息、没有讨喜外型却频频制造出令人捧腹的特色,让Bowling For Soup在乐坛独树一帜。
  新专辑依旧不失一派轻松风格的欢乐满点,请到Russ T Cobb (艾薇儿、帕妃)、Butch Walker (林赛罗涵、红粉佳人) 与团员Jaret Reddick齐力制作完成。畅快到底的首波单曲〈High Scool Never Ends〉将校园流行朋克风再次快乐展露;绝对会令许多好莱坞巨星哭笑不得的〈Val Kilmer〉,歌中点名的一些名人都被小小讽刺一番;难得一见的抒情小品〈Why Don’t I Miss You〉则道出一段往日逝去的情爱;虽然好友把走昔日身旁女人,但却充满着爆笑歌词的〈Luckiest Loser〉一点都感受不到伤感意味,反而以自我解嘲的方式轻松带过;2007年蓄势待发的第二主打〈When We Die〉改以抒情攻势,顺畅音调搭上耐听旋律以及弦乐润饰,相信将能在排行榜上缔造亮眼佳绩;高能量的〈Don’t Let It Be Love〉发泄最为过瘾的朋克明亮节拍,处处展现Bowling For Soup努力打入流行领域最高能量的摇滚欢乐气氛。


Artist: Bowling For Soup
Album: A Hangover You Don't Deserve
Song: 1985 Lyrics : Woo-hoo-hoo
Debbie just hit the wall
She never had it all
One Prozac a day
Husbands a CPA
Her dreams went out the door
When she turned twenty four
Only been with one man
What happen to her plan?
She was gonna be an actress
She was gonna be a star
She was gonna shake her ass
On the hood of White Snake's car
Her yellow SUV, is now the enemy
Looks at her average life
And nothing, has been, alright
Since Bruce Springstein, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2, and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids, in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
But she still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985
She's seen all the classics
She knows every line
Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink
Even Saint Elmo's Fire
She rocked out to wham
Not a big Limp Biscuit fan
Thought she'd get a hand
On a member of Duran Duran
Where's the mini-skirt made of snake skin
And who's the other guy singing in Van Halen
When did reality, become T.V.
What ever happen to sitcoms, game shows
On the radio was
Springstein, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2, and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids, in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
But she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985
She hates time, make it stop
When did Motley Crue become classic rock?
And when did Ozzy become an actor?
Please make this stop!
And bring back
Springstein, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2, and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids, in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
But she's still preoccupied
With 1985
Bruce Springstein, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2, and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids, in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
But she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985

开头的ohooo一听就是很兴奋的那种感觉,不过相对来说感觉除了开头,他的声音比音乐小太多了,怎么说呢,就像一张图片一样,音乐应该是背景的感觉,然后声音是主图,但是这个有点都一样,反而就感觉声音成了背景。为啥这首我听着也像什么的主题曲啊啊啊,stop stop stop那里的嘎然而止也很好玩,还真的停了1秒钟,然后再接着,有点就像是一个人在那喊停,看到还没停越来越急,连喊几声终于stop的感觉


歌手介绍----Christina Aguilera



when i, thought i knew you
thinking, that you were true
i guess i, i couldn't trust
'cause your bluff time is up
'cause i've had enough
you were, there by my side
always, down for the ride
but your, joy ride just came down in flames
'cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm

after all of the stealing and cheating
you probably think that i hold resentment for you
but, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
i wouldn't know just how capable i am to pull through
so i wanna say thank you

'cause it makes me that much stronger
makes me work a little bit harder
it makes me that much wiser
so thanks for making me a fighter
made me learn a little bit faster
made my skin a little bit thicker
makes me that much smarter
so thanks for making me a fighter
oh, ohh

never, saw it coming
all of, your backstabbing
just so, you could cash in
on a good thing before i realized your game
i heard, you're going around
playing, the victim now
but don't, even begin
feeling i'm the one to blame
'cause you dug your own grave, uh huh

after all of the fights and the lies
yes you wanted to harm me but that won't work anymore
uh, no more, oh no, it's over
'cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
i wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down
so i wanna say thank you

'cause it makes me that much stronger
makes me work a little bit harder
makes me that much wiser
so thanks for making me a fighter
made me learn a little bit faster
made my skin a little bit thicker
it makes me that much smarter
so thanks for making me a fighter

how could this man i thought i knew turn out to be unjust so cruel
could only see the good in you pretended not to know the truth
you tried to hide your lies,disguise yourself through living in denial
but in the end you'll see
you wont stop me!

'cause it makes me that much stronger
makes me work a little bit harder
makes me that much wiser
so thanks for making me a fighter
made me learn a little bit faster
made my skin a little bit thicker
it makes me that much smarter
so thanks for making me a fighter

这首是Christina Aguilera的,俺是在NBA季后赛听到的,当时其实还不知道Christina Aguilera,当时听得时候就觉得这首歌好符合nba季后赛激烈的那种感觉,每个球队每个球员为了争夺总冠军为了打赢比赛打败对手都是一个战士,都会在战场上拼劲全力,不留遗憾,Christina唱的非常的有力量非常的有爆发力非常的有鼓舞的感觉,每次听到这首歌我就想到自己以前看的那些激烈的球赛。
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-11 14:02重新编辑 ]
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109  发表于: 2009-09-11  
歌手介绍----Emma Bunton


Emma Lee Bunton1976年1月21日出生在英格兰Barnet(伯纳特),父母在她11岁时便离婚。Emma凭藉自己得天独厚的才华与好学不倦的心,从担任模特儿、拍摄广告、参与戏剧等历练中累积经验,练就面对镜头驾轻就熟的功力,1994年,她幸运地成为称霸90年代流行乐坛最具代表性的女子偶像团体Spice Girl中最年轻的成员Baby Spice。

宝贝辣妹Emma Bunton总是以一头金发、灿烂的笑容、如邻家小女生般的亲和力,吸引着众多乐迷的目光。2000年,Spice Girls解散,她成为继Spice Girls的另外一位成员Melanie C之后,第二个写下成功单飞计划的团员。

2001年,Emma首张个人专辑《A Girl Like Me》发行,专辑诞生了《What Took You So Long?》、《What I Am》和《Take My Breath Away》等多首歌曲。2004年,Emma的第二张个人专辑《Free Me》取得了更大的成功。2006年年底。Emma的第三张个人专辑《Life in Mono》问世。《Life in Mono》中柔和的oldie感觉的音乐和Emma Bunton的甜美嗓音配合的天衣无缝。专辑的第一首单曲《Downtown》也是一首慈善歌曲,翻唱自Petula Clark的同名歌曲,而这支单曲也成了Emma Bunton继《What Took You So Long》之后最成功的单曲。


you spend to much time sat in your bedroom on your pc,
are you sure that you couldnt have found the time
swallowed your pride, admitted your jelousy
next week your tryin again
to pull one of your citys many front men,
if you did not have the internet would you be into them
i very much doubt so, oh they know sooo
what took you so long?
was there a queue at the post office?
what took you so long?
was there a dirty double decker stage coach,
you just happened to miss?

sometimes im bad and sometimes im rotton
sometimes i say things i probably
should have forgot about people and things
do you know who i am?
im like a morrisey with some strings
what took you so long?
was there a queue at the post office?
what took you so long?
was there a dirty double decker stage coach,
you just happened to miss?

your always bad and your always rotton
and then you always say things that you just
should have forgot or have you had enough?
of your sterotypical bit of the rough

a wooah a wooahh no a woahh woo

what took you so long?
was there a queue at the post office
what took you so long?
was there a dirty double decker stage coach,
you just happened to miss?


========================================请叫我MR 分割线============================

这里给大家听的是【a world without you】

i know that you can hear the rhythm of the rain
although we're miles apart i know you feel my pain
i try to be so strong, i try to carry on
but since you left the sun don't seem to shine
my tears are falling on the words you wrote to me
i wish that somehow they could take me where i wanna be
it seems so long ago, you held me when i cried
for now i just pretend you're by my side, oh-oh yeah
everything that i touch turns to blue
when i'm living in a world without you
i'm going crazy baby, i am missing you
can't imagine all i go through
when i'm living in a world without you
i'm not alone i know that you can feel it too
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
i try to watch a movie but you're all that i can see (all that i can see)
in my dreams i know i always see you constantly
but then a dream comes to an end and i'm alone
and i can't seem to let this feeling go, whoa-oh baby
everything that i touch turns to blue
when i'm living in a world without you
i'm going crazy baby, i am missing you
can't imagine all i go through
when i'm living in a world without you(can't live without you)
i'm not alone i know that you can feel it too
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
i try to be so strong, i try to carry on
but since you left the sun don't seem to shine, whoa-oh-ooh
everything that i touch turns to blue
when i'm living in a world without you(i'm going crazy, missing you baby)
i'm going crazy baby, i am missing you
can't imagine all i go through
when i'm living in a world without you (a world without you)
i'm not alone i know that you can feel it too
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (what can i do without you baby)
can't imagine all i go through
when i'm living in a world without you (living without you)
i'm not alone i know that you can feel it too
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
i'm going crazy missing you baby
living without you (living without you)

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 01:56重新编辑 ]

《步步惊心》的作者是谁? 正确答案:桐华