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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之❤从经典到动感❤(经典部分相信听过都会喜欢的~){15/9更新101}
kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
精华: 16
发帖: 3681
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光辉成就: 13 分
在线时间: 2915(时)
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110  发表于: 2009-09-11  


 5ive由Scott、Richie、Abs、J和Sean这五位活力十足的大男孩所组成。5ive最早的雏型得追溯至1996年时,RCA唱片的顾问Simon Cowell觉得现在的女孩团体看起来都比男生团体强多了,也有越来越多的年轻孩子渴望听到更有自我个性的男生团体,于是他急急忙忙找来Bob和Chris父子档(Spice Girls辣妹合唱团的幕后总舵手)共商大计,最后从三千多个男孩的筛选过程中,这三个人终于找到了让他们十分满意的五位不只面子好看,里子也呱呱叫的小伙子。最重要的是,他们很有自己的主见,也绝对不跟其它已成名的男孩偶像团走一样的路,打算彻底推翻男孩偶像团的定义。这支五人队伍将他们自己喜欢的灵魂、摇滚、Hip-Hop、舞曲等多样元素融为一炉,创造出一种迥异于时下其它男孩偶像团体的诱人风采。而英国著名流行音乐杂志Smash Hits的编辑Gavin Reeve更表示:「这五个毛头小子竟然驾轻就熟地融合了对其他团来说难度嫌高的东西,而他们充满街头的味道,感觉有点像年轻时候的Beastie Boys。」
  5ive在1997年推出成军后的首支单曲“Slam Dunk Da Funk”,发行后便立即成为英国畅销金曲,迅速窜升至英国榜冠军位置,可说是一鸣惊人。而在大西洋彼岸的美国也同样热力十足,挤进告示牌排行榜TOP 20,对于一个刚出道的团体而言,实属难能可贵。而他们在1998年所推出的第二支单曲“When The Lights Go Out”也同样取得英国榜第4名、美国榜TOP 10的佳绩;第三首单曲“Got The Feeling”更是沿续前两首单曲的魅力,而且火力更加旺盛,在英美两国同时创下第3名的优异成绩,奠定其王牌少男团体的地位。除此之外,其首张专辑《Five》更荣登英国金榜冠军首席,赢得全球超过百万乐迷的支持。1999年推出节奏强烈、旋律明快的单曲“If Ya Gettin' Down”同样不减当年的火力,仍获得歌迷的高度支持。
  尽管2001年8月27日才刚推出新专辑《超大号》(King size),然而由Sean、Scott、Ritch、ABS与J这五位大男孩所组成的Five,却在发片一个月后的9月27日宣布解散,结束了他们绚烂的音乐生涯,而Scott更在翌日公开迎娶女友兼儿子的妈-凯莉(Kerry),让痴情的乐迷们为之心碎。
  出道仅4年的Five,歌唱事业生涯目前正要攀越颠峰,无奈繁重的工作量与伴随成名而来的压力,却让团员们的健康亮起了红灯。八月间,J在接受媒体访问时便曾表示,他不但失眠,还有厌食症和精神崩溃的症状,而他也透露,其他四名成员也都有大大小小的各式病痛。至于被媒体大肆报导的“团员不合”流言、桃色绯闻、酒醉闹事的负面新闻,以及Sean因为腮腺炎无法参与新专辑宣传的突发状况,更是让承受巨大压力的团员们心力交瘁。也因此,继八月中旬的冠军单曲“Let’s Dance”和十月下旬的最后一支单曲“靠近我”(Closer To Me)发表后,曾经横扫乐坛的“Five”决定就此告别乐迷,正式步入历史。
  为了替男孩们过去四年精彩的音乐生涯画下一个完美的句点,一手将Five培植成巨星的RCA唱片资深顾问赛门寇威尔(他也是签下西城男孩的伯乐)特别担起制作《Five精选辑》的重责大任,辑中除破天荒收录十首前十名畅销代表作之外,亦包含了为2002世界杯足球赛暖身的“勇往直前”(Keep On Movin’)冠军混音版本、总长近十一分钟的「Five - Greatest Hits Megamix」超级混音版本,以及'99年时男孩们为迪士尼喜剧科幻电影《G型神探》所演唱的同名主题曲“Inspector Gadget”,堪称是Five音乐生涯的精华缩影。

这里给大家听的是【keep on moving】

I woke up today with this feeling.  
Better things are coming my way.  
I know the sunshine has a meaning,  
And nothing left can get in my way  

When the rainy days are dying,  
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying  
Never let go gotta hold on and  
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...  

Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  

Feels like I have should be screaming,
Trying get through to my friends.
sometimes it feels that life has no meaning,
But all things will be alright in the end.  

When the rainy days are dying,  
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying  
Never let go gotta hold on and  
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...  

Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  

When the rainy days are dying,  
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying  
Never let go gotta hold on and  
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...  

Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  
Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  

Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  

Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Get on up When you're down, baby,  
Take a good look around.  
I know it's not much, But it's okay.  
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway  

Get on up
I know it's not much
Get on up

这首歌应该是很耳熟的,据说还是日韩世界杯的歌曲(好吧俺找到了这个世界杯的音频),他们的嗓音很特别,整个歌很欢快,所以有部分是有点带说唱的感觉,话说我总觉得他们说了一段之后aha aaa这一下很搞笑。不要气馁,不要沮丧,站起来,继续走,没有什么过不去的,当跌倒的时候,看看周围,就会充满勇气。


这里给大家听的是【when i remember when】

All the things I said
I should have said and didn't say
And I wonder why, yes I wonder why
I think about the time we spent
The places that we went
Still makes me cry, yes it makes me cry

Why do they say that time will heal this broken heart?
They would know it isn't true
If they lost someone like you, oh

Some things can never be replaced
Some things are with me for always
These are the things I will remember
(When I remember when)
I'd rather love and lose it all
Than never have you to recall
These are the things I will remember
(Again and then again)
Again and again
When I remember when

You taught me how to love
I am all I am
Because of you, just because of you (oh)
Everytime I lost my way
You shine a light, you made my day
You see me through, yes you see me through

So who's gonna come around to heal this broken heart?
Show me how to laugh and cry
But never how to say goodbye


Yes life goes on, you carry on
You do, and it's okay
(When I remember when)
Yes love goes on
And I will live to love another day
(When I remember when)
Yes life goes on, you carry on
You do, and it's okay
I would laugh, and I would cry
But I will never say goodbye


Yeah, ah
When I remember when..

这个跟keep on moving不同属于抒情调调,不过为啥我觉得唱高潮的那个嗓音那么鸭呢……但是整个调子还是很舒服,但是和声的时候听着很舒服。当我记得某个时刻,那个时候对我来说一定是在当时产生了特别的感觉。我想到了某人教我打星际打红警打CS的时候,想到了后来跟班上的兄弟们打NBA切磋拳皇的时候,想到了跟我表姐一起技挑初中女子篮球队,想到了很多很多……这首歌听的时候太适合拿来回忆了。
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 02:26重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
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111  发表于: 2009-09-11  
歌手介绍----Gareth Gates


一个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目'Pop Idol'比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"Unchained Melody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事可乐选为英国地区广告代言人。
  2003年首航专辑《What My Heart Wants To Say》进占英国金榜亚军,连创"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"、"Suspicious Minds"等3首英国金榜冠军单曲,以及2002年圣诞假期英国金榜TOP 5标题曲"What My Heart Wants To Say",葛瑞盖斯那份如同初恋少男般的纯情音色温暖了这个爱的世界,他的才华更获得音乐奖项的肯定,以"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"在2003年的全英音乐奖上独占最佳流行单曲项目的两项提名,并同时入围最佳流行艺人,更勇夺2002年'Smash Hits杂志'票选最佳流行新人奖、最佳男艺人、最性感男艺人、最佳拖把奖“*发型”等4项大奖,2003年再度连庄最佳男艺人头衔,并以"Sunshine"拿下最佳单曲殊荣。
  一晃快三年多的时间了,Gareth Gates居然有这么久没有出现在公众面前。曾经的英国宝贝,18岁前拿下3首金曲奖,成为历史上最年轻的获得者,却在红极一时的时候爆出丑闻淡出人们的视线。
  曾经的纯真男孩,如今已成长为一个真正的男人。差不多三年的时光里他认真的写歌,给自己做造型,谦虚的谨慎的生活着。他坦诚和Jordan的丑闻是他一生最后悔的事,他勇敢地说自己错了。看他那么一丝不苟地在录音室里录歌的样子,回想他刚成为Pop Idol的样子,其实是在透过他,看自己的过去。
  Gareth Gates出新专辑了。名字是《Pictures Of The Other Side》,首支单曲《Changes》已于四月九号发布。风格依旧是耐人寻味的轻歌路线,淡淡的琴声谱出一曲曲伤感的情歌,Gareth的声音在不知不觉中变的成熟变的沉稳..当一个歌手大红大紫的时候也许真是他在悄然迷失自己,但在经历过风雨之后,那片彩虹才是最真实最美丽的....Gareth Gates,回来了。。。

这里给大家听的是【anyone of us】

i've been letting you down, down
girl i know i've been such a fool
giving into temptation
i should have played it cool
the situation got out of hand
i hope you understand
it can happen to anyone of us
anyone you think of
anyone can fall
anyone can hurt someone they love
hearts will break
cos i made a stupid mistake
say you will forgive me
anyone can fail
say you will believe me
i can't escape
my heart will break
cause i made a stupid mistake
a stupid mistake

she was kind of exciting
a little crazy i should have known
she must have altered my senses
as i offered to walk her home
she means nothing to me
nothing to me
i swear every word is true
i don't wanna lose you



这里给大家听的是【say it isn't so】

skies are dark
it's time for rain
final call, you board the train
heading for tomorrow
i wave goodbye to yesterday
wipe the tears you hide your face
blinded by the sorrow
how can i be smiling like before
when baby you don't love me anymore

say it isn't so

tell me you're not leaving

say you've changed your mind now

that i am only dreaming

this is not goodbye

this is starting over

if you wanna know

i don't wanna let go

so say it isn't so

tempt to find but at least we've tried
we're still alive with hopes this time
as they closed the door behind you
we're so alone and time stands still
shake the ground beneath the wheels
as i wish i'd never found you

how can i be smiling when you go
will i be strong enough to carry on

miles, miles to go
before i can sail
before i can nail my love for you to sleep
oh darling
i get miles, miles to go
before anyone will ever hear me laugh again

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 02:38重新编辑 ]
林洋子 离线
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112  发表于: 2009-09-12  
听到Richard Marx的声音响起
Now and forever
I will be your man
林洋子 离线
级别: 神

UID: 60601
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kogisn 离线
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UID: 44908
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114  发表于: 2009-09-12  
引用第113楼林洋子于2009-09-12 07:47发表的  :

kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
精华: 16
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在线时间: 2915(时)
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115  发表于: 2009-09-12  
继续Gareth Gates的,这个歌手我满喜欢的

这里给大家听的是【listen to my heart】

every time i look into your eyes
i see forever
i don't know why
but every time we touch i feel alive
there's nothing like it
people say that love can't be that strong
you might just believe it
we can show you, we can prove them wrong

listen to my heart beat for you
telling you that i adore you
if you wanna know how much i feel inside
listen to my heart come closer
let me wrap my arms around you
there's nothing i can do
i'm so in love with you

just listen to my heart

all my love
you really need to know that you're mine
i'm spending the lifetime
my whole life
there's nothing gonna stop us cause we are
a once in a lifetime

people say that love can't be that strong
you might just believe it
we can show you, we can prove them wrong

i can't tell you what our future holds
but as long as we're in love
we're in life

前面半段,高潮以前,我都觉得一般般,虽然是悠扬的钢琴做伴奏,唱的颇为深情的感觉,但是高潮一出来,就是listen to my heart beat for you我觉得这首歌的光彩一下子就迸发出来了,感觉这首歌本来只是暗蓝,一下子就变成了天蓝色,一下子就动听了。怎么说呢,他的每首歌其实感情方面我感觉不到太多,但是旋律都很喜欢,不过listen to my heart beat for you这么一段可能因为还有合音还有更多的伴奏加进来,这一段的感情我觉得倒是比前面独唱的要深


这里给大家听的是【with you all the time】

i live beneath the heart
i watch you from the dark
i'm every breath i'm every dream
i've known you forever
i've followed you everywhere
i'm every scar i'm who you are
when you think you're alone
when you cry cos someone's unfair
you can rest assured i'm always there

even when you feel like you don't belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that i'm with you
that i'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that i'm with you
know that i'm with you
with you all the time

i'm walking round the room
i'm laughing when you smile
and when you cry i cry too
i made you a promise
that i shall forever be
you're on your own but not alone
when you're down and you're rife
and the world tells you no-one cares
you can rest assured im always there

even when you feel like you dont belong

even when you fall and it all goes wrong

you know that i'm with you

that i'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart

we shall never ever drift apart

know that i'm with you

i'm with you all the time

save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
and you'll see

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 09:12重新编辑 ]
kogisn 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 44908
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116  发表于: 2009-09-12  
继续Gareth Gates的~~~

这里给大家听的是【it happens every time】

can you hear the music playing
can you feel the rhythm swaying
this is the sound of dreams come true
and i can promise you that
you are the one and only
and i'm the last and lonely
we are the perfect dream come true
and i can promise you that i
hear a silly love song in my heart

it happens everytime

when i see you

it happens everytime

when i think of you

it happens everytime

oh it's magic when we meet
baby down on dreamstreet

let me take you by the hand and
walk you down my hometown streets,girl
you make me feel i'm so alive
oh i promise you that i
hear a silly love song in my heart
when i close my eyes
there's angels all around
oh it happens everytime
when i see you
oh it happens everytime
oh oh oh

这首走的是节奏快的路线,刚开头的电音还挺特别的,不晓得为啥我感觉还听到了一滴泉水滴下来,在伴奏完全的加进来之前,就像是在说故事的那种感觉,然后it happens every time的时候,就好像全部人都一起过来团团围住合并在一起了,他的声音怎么说呢,听着真的是特色不足,感情也有不足,但是偏偏唱的歌的旋律都挺好听,每次听到那句it happens every time的时候,我都会想到和某人的一些片段,也许是这个歌的魔力之一吧。


这里给大家听的是【soul affection】

most of the time,
love has gone wrong
so hard to get it right
i'm so afraid,
'cause i'm feeling it strong
we could lose it overnight

bridge 1
i need to know just where i stand
don't make me open up again
and if you're gonna stay around
don't let me down (oh no)


give me your soul affection
give me the part that's always true
give to my heart protection
my mission in life is you
give me your soul affection
don't keep your love for me taboo
bring out the best emotion
my mission in life is you

verse 2
i realise, perfect ain't fair
but i must have expectations
soon as you show you really care
there will be no hesitation

bridge 2
don't make promises that you can't keep
don't want you holding back from me
and if you're gonna stay around
don't let me down


middle 8
it's just a matter of time
i'll believe what you say
we'll find common ground
'cause i know there's a way
to the end of the world
is as long as we'll last
remember no beginning,
forget about the past

chorus to end

这首歌的刚开头估计是最不讨我喜的那一种,而且他的不是像sarah connor哼哼两声就带人到那个境界的,还好进入歌唱部分还可以,所以能把我留住来听。不过这首歌的起伏不是很大,起码目前听到的前半段都是这样,有点过于平淡直线。主要部分就是give me a soul affection但是这种部分没有唱出变化,最后的1/3有个部分有点变化,可以加的不是那么好,有点可惜
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 09:49重新编辑 ]
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UID: 44908
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117  发表于: 2009-09-12  
继续Gareth Gates的~~

这里给大家听的是【angel on my shoulder】

My life was flashing
before my eyes
a second later
I walked away realized
My heard had crashed
and burned in shame
You pulled me from the flames
I took your hand
and you helped me
upon my feet
I confessed
but you had forgiven me
There`s courage
in the truth you said
Our love will never end
You shield me from danger
you`re my shelter
You are my hiding place
There's an Angel
on my shoulder
here tonight
Making sure
that I`m alright
When I`m falling fast
you rescue me
you love unconditionally
And when I`m cold
and so alone
Back in your arms
I feel at home
I pray that you will
always be
A Guardian Angel
Sent for me
My dream comes
between us every now and then
I make mistakes
get in trouble
time and again
I ain`t proud of
who I am
When I`m down you understand
Blinding you can always
seem to show the way
you`re the life
you`re the reason
I`m here today
If you cry I will cry
So dry your eyes
There`s an Angel on my shoulder
here tonight
Making sure that I`m alright
When I`m falling fast
you rescue me
you love unconditionally
And when I`m cold
and so alone
Back in your arms
I feel at home
I pray that you will
always be
A Guardian Angel
Sent for me
There`s an Angel
on my shoulder
here tonight
Making sure
that I`m alright
When I`m falling fast
you rescue me
you love unconditionally
And when I`m cold
and so alone
Back in your arms
I feel at home
I pray that you will
always be
A Guardian Angel
Sent for me
Making sure
that I`m alright
When I`m falling fast
you rescue me
you love unconditionally
And when I`m cold
and so alone
Back in your arms
I feel at home
I pray that you will
always be
A Guardian Angel
on my shoulder
here tonight
Making sure
that I`m alright
When I`m falling fast
you rescue me
you love unconditionally
And when I`m cold
and so alone
Back in your arms
I feel at home
I pray that you will
always be
A Guardian Angel
Sent for me



这里给大家听的是【nothing's gonna stop us now】

maybe i've been too superstitious
afraid of being too naive
never been up for taking chances
but there's another side of me
love is a winding road
we'll make it through together
and we'll never give up

i've made up my mind this time
i'm gonna break through all these chains
i'm willing to risk it all
to take the fall
'cause nothing's gonna stop us now
i'll be there through good and bad
through every step along the way
and no one can bread the spell
oh i can tell
that nothing's gonna stop us now
stop us now

people say i've been acting crazy
every time you're not around
but they don't understand this feeling
you've opened up so deep inside
love is a winding road
and we'll make it last forever
and we'll never give up

maybe i've been too superstitious
love is a winding road
but i found my way through the rain

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-12 23:58重新编辑 ]
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UID: 44908
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118  发表于: 2009-09-12  
歌手介绍----Kylie Minogue


Kylie Minogue,原名Kylie Ann Minogue,中文名凯莉•米洛,出生于1968年5月28日。是澳大利亚著名歌手、歌曲作家及演员,现拥有英国官佐勋章头衔(OBE)。20世纪80年代末,Kylie Minogue凭借其在澳大利亚热播电视剧《Neighbours》(《家有芳邻》)的出色表演而名震全国。1987年开始她被誉为“流行公主”。
  1988年,Kylie被英国金牌制作人组合Stock、Aitken和Waterman(简称S.A.W,三人分别是Mike Stock, Matt Aitken和Pete Waterman)相中,在他们的帮助下,Kylie的唱片和单曲在世界范围内获得了空前的成功。在20世纪90年代早期,Kylie的人气下滑,1992年她离开PWL公司,与S.A.W分道扬镳。90年代中期至晚期,Kylie改变早期出道风格,尝试做一名独立曲作家及歌手。她的转型受到了广泛关注,然而唱片销量低迷,创造了从艺以来的最低销量。直到2000年,她凭借富有挑逗性的音乐录影带及斥资昂贵的演唱会再次征服观众,成为名副其实的“流行公主”。
  在澳大利亚和欧洲,Kylie Minogue成为同时代艺人的佼佼者及性感女神。尤其是在家乡澳大利亚,被誉为“国宝级”人物。2007年11月27日,Kylie Minogue带着她的个人第十张录音室专辑《Ⅹ》回归,同年底英国王室以其对音乐事业做出的杰出贡献而获得“英国官佐勋章”称号,并于2008年7月3日在伦敦白金汉宫正式接受由查尔斯王子颁发的奖章。2008年2月20日的全英音乐奖上,Kylie获得最佳国际女艺人大奖。2008年5月5日,Kylie在巴黎被法国文化部授予骑士勋章。截至目前,Kylie的唱片在全球销量超过6000万张。在英国,她的唱片销量在所有女歌手里仅次于Madonna,达到940多万张。

这里给大家听的是【Red Blooded Woman】

can't stop
count backwards 54321
before you get too heated and turned on (this guy)
you should have learned your lessons all them times before
you've been bruised, you've been broken
then there's my mind saying think before you go
through that door it could lead you nowhere (this guy)
has got you all romantic, crazy in your head
do you think i'd listen, no i don't care
'cause i can't focus i can't stop
you got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
i can't focus it's too hot (inside)
you'll never get to
heaven if you're scared of getting high
boy, boy
let me keep freaking around
i wanna get down
i'm a red blooded woman, what's the point in hanging round
don't wanna keep turning it down
when this girl wants to rock with you
my conscience saying, get down off this dream
it's too dangerous and deadly
has got you talking round in circles can't you see
all for the sake of sexy (you're loving it)
then there's my sense saying stop before you fall
i don't wanna pick you up again
has got you all romantic, crazier each day
do you think i'd listen
there's no way.
i'm a red blooded woman
it's too hot inside
la la la....freaking around



歌手介绍----Kym Marsh




i think about you everyday, no matter what your friends might say,
everybody knows my name, even thought i'm still the same,
i just would like to say that i, i never ever meant to make you cry
i would like to know why, there are clouds in the sky,
every time i fall in love
and i would like to know why i'm sitting here on my own.
i would like to know why, when to find a nice guy,
someone i can lean upon
i mess it all up and then i wonder why i'm all alone.
tell me if you think that i'm talking way too much,
tell me if you'd like to stay in touch.
sitting on the sofa, letting life go by,
thinking about the early days
thinking about the times when i heard you were my crazy ways
all i wanna do is look around for you, yeah drive until the break of dawn
tracking and calling and pleading till your coming home
tell me if you think that i've been a bit too much,
tell me if you'd like to stay in touch.
i would like to say that i never meant to make you cry,
i think about you everyday, no matter what your friends might say,
everybody knows my name, even though i'm still the same,
i just would like to say that i, i never ever meant to make you cry,... cry,.... cry.....
i didn't mean to be so cruel, i didn't mean to let you down,
so sorry for the rain on your parade and all the pain you must have gained because of me.
i would like to say that i never meant to make you cry,
i think about you everyday, no matter what your friends might say,
everybody knows my name, even thought i'm still the same,
i just would like to say that i, i never ever meant to make
i never ever meant to make you cry...

[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-13 00:35重新编辑 ]
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UID: 44908
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在线时间: 2915(时)
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119  发表于: 2009-09-12  
歌手介绍----Natalie Imbruglia


1975年2月4日出生在澳大利亚的新南威尔士,她父亲是意大利人,母亲是澳大利亚人。Natalie Imbruglia是一个“演而优则唱”的成功案例。17岁时因参演红极一时的肥皂剧“邻居(Neighbours)”而成名,她在这电视剧里一直演到1994年。然而Natalie认为她自己的兴趣是音乐而非电视剧,1996年毅然离开了家乡到英国的伦敦发展。
  事实证明她做了一个明智的选择。到了英国之后,Natalie便与一家唱片公司签约,1997年推出了她个人的首支单曲“Torn”。单曲由The Cure的贝司手Phil Thomalley操刀制作,一经推出就登上了排行榜的冠军宝座,在宝塔尖上傲视群雄长达14周之久,在英、美、澳洲等地的销量超过百万。于是,一位名不见经传的小歌手Natalie Imbruglia一夜之间红遍全球。
  1998年Natalie Imbruglia推出了她的首张专辑Left Of The Middle,全球销量超过7百万张,在The Cure乐队的Phil Thornalley的帮助下,她发展出了自己的风格,令整个欧洲迷倒。
  为了证明自己不是仅有漂亮的外貌,Natalie于 2001年11月推出了她自己参与创作的第二张专辑White Lilies Island,其中的主打歌"That Day", "Wrong Impression"等,都是英国电台的热播曲。这张专辑里的歌是她当年在英国和美国之间来回巡演的期间写作的。
  2002年她演唱的一首由The Smashing Pumpkin乐队的Billy Corgan写作的歌,被收到电影"Stigmata"里。2002年12月,她参加了澳大利亚和新西兰的Rumba音乐节。同年她成为了欧莱雅的代言人,也演出了自己的第一部电影,"Johnny English",在里面她和“憨豆先生”对戏。
  2005年她带着第三张专辑Counting Down The Days又回到了排行榜。单曲"Shiver"是当年英国电台被播放最多次的单曲。
  2007年推出新歌加精选专辑Glorious: The Singles 97-07,第一支单曲Glorious已经在世界各地发行。
  大家对Natalie Imburglia的一般印象,就是那个在著名的肥皂剧Neighbours里的 Beth。但是如果你听过她的第一支单曲Torn的话,相信你会一改从前那些对肥剧演员转行成歌手的恶劣印象,并惊讶于她天赋优美的歌喉。当然Natalie的外型 不在话下,再加上她在首张个人专辑里展现过人的歌喉,保证会在各地造成一股 新的旋风。这次,大家没有机会嘲笑从Ramsay Street硬转行成歌手的演员了。
  继Minogue的妹妹,Jason Donovan及一堆的艺人之后,Natalie也从英国的肥皂剧 演员一跃而成偶像歌手。但她认为自己并不适合”偶像歌手”这样的形象。她说: ”如果唱片公司硬要我唱些俗滥的流行歌曲的话,我是铁定不会接受的。因为我的 歌声根本就不适合拿来唱流行歌曲。”而且在先天条件如此优秀的状态下,纯粹演 些肥皂剧,对她来说,根本就是一种浪费。
  从十六岁开始,Natalie就常态性的在Neighbours担任一角。两年之后,她戏里的 角色Beth Brennan已成为最受欢迎的人物。现在她回头看看,发现自己实在不应该 在这出戏里待这么长的时间。在97年十一月Sky Magazine里的访谈中,她提到了 一点戏里脚色的争执,也提到在拍戏期间过度放纵的饮食造成略过丰腴的身材。 但在她离开Neighbors之后,她减肥成功,外型大大改变。从一个体态丰满的青少年 蜕变成娇弱的二十出头妩媚的性感女性象征。
  但她对自己在离开Ramsay Street之后的外型并不十分满意。所以她把惯有的中长度 发型剪短。她说:”我离开Neighbors之后做的第一件事就是把头发剪短。因为在过去 两年他们都不准我改变发型。我不太喜欢一直维持营光幕上一样的造型。我比较喜欢 男性化的造型,我也喜欢看起来像男人的女人,我的打扮很男孩子气。”
  虽然打扮的像个男人,Natalie这个名字却一直与David Schwimmer连在一起。她与 David Schwimmer这位全美最红的男明星之一的关系,颇受媒体的注意。但最近他们 分手了。分手之后的Natalie更能将自己的全副精神放在她刚起步的歌唱事业。过去 的一年,她与前Cure团员Phil Thornally及制作人Nige Godrich(曾与Radiohead合作) ,共同努力筹备这张男性摇滚风味浓厚的最新专辑。
  作Torn这支新单曲的Thornally说:”Natalie想要做的是不同于一般pop/R & B/soul 等等型态的东西。有太多艺人只想做简单的流行音乐。所以她这样向上的态度实属 难得。”这位意大利裔的歌手深受Rickie Lee Jones、Joni Mitchell和Shaun Colvin 等艺人的影响。在她的音乐里也不难发现上述艺人的影子。
  其实在刚离开Neighbors时,Natalie推掉了某家唱片公司的合约。因为她觉得事情 来得太快了一点。在Neighbors里一惯的嘻笑怒骂似乎对她现在成熟的形象有些许 不良的影响。但现在的她已经脱离过去,可以做自己真正想做的事了。在她的专辑里 ,我们可以感到她成熟的另一面,有如一个”昨日死,今日生”的全新艺人。自此, Natalie要脱胎换骨的重新出发,致力于她的音乐事业。
  她所属的唱片公司RCA,也是百分之百的支持她。她说:”RCA不会把我当成一个绑着线 ,可以任意操纵的木偶。他们百分之百的支持我追求心里想要的音乐。我觉得非常高兴 。真的。”Godrich谈到Natalie的音乐,他说:”这是种可以慰藉人们心灵的音乐,流行感 十足,商业化十足。我想有很多东西会是Alanis Morissette所属的唱片公司在市场上 达不到的成就。”
  ”Torn”这首以原音吉他弦律为底,情感丰厚的声音为主的单曲将在1997年十一月三日在 英国正式上市。原本预定在十月十三日发行的新单曲,不知为何而有所延迟。1988年一 月及才会上市的专辑,相信到时可以随着单曲的强大威力而有不错的成绩。虽然出道自 演员,但她过去的演艺生活不会影响她的歌唱生涯。在此我们希望她不会成为媒体的另 一个牺牲者。我相信大家都感觉得到她想要摆脱过去的心。


i thought i saw a man brought to life
he was warm, he came around like he was dignified
he showed me what it was to cry
well you couldn't be that man i adored
you don't seem to know, don't seem to care what your heart is for
but i don't know him anymore
there's nothing where he used to lie
my conversation has run dry
that's whats going on, nothing's fine i'm torn
i'm all out of faith, this is how i feel
i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
you're a little late, i'm already torn
so i guess the fortune teller's right
should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
to crawl beneath my veins and now
i don't care, i have no luck, i don't miss it all that much
there's just so many things that i can't touch, i'm torn
i'm all out of faith, this is how i feel
i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
you're a little late, i'm already torn. torn.
there's nothing where he used to lie
my inspiration has run dry
that's what's going on, nothings right, i'm torn
i'm all out of faith, this is how i feel
i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor
illusion never changed into something real
i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn
i'm all out of faith, this is how i feel
i'm cold and i'm ashamed bound and broken on the floor
you're a little late, i'm already torn.



这里给大家听的是【wrong impression】

calling out, calling out
haven't you wondered
why i'm always alone when you're in my dreams
calling out, calling out
haven't you wondered
why you're finding it hard just looking at me
i want you
but i want you to understand
i leave you, i love youdidn't want to leave you with the wrong impression
didn't want to leave you with my last confession
of love
wasn't trying to pull you in the wrong direction
all i wanna do is try and make a connection
of love

falling out, falling out
haven't you wondered
if this was ever more than a crazy idea
falling out, falling out
haven't you wondered
what we could've been if you'd only let me in
i want you
but i want you to understand
i miss you, i love you
i need you, i love you

didn't want to leave you then i am calling out
i am calling out
i am falling out

刚开头的如果没听错应该是小提琴,有点点像拉锯对战的感觉被制造出来,然后是纯音乐,她的calling比较突出,不过开头有那么点平淡的感觉,或者说大部分在一个调调上,wrong impression这句也是,总觉得好像是AB然后A是一个调B是一个调,都没怎么变,不过怎么说呢,她在那个调调上说唱比较快的时候,有种心里的某些东西跟着小小发泄出来,虽然那个重复的调调某时候也会造成一点负担orz
[ 此帖被kogisn在2009-09-13 00:56重新编辑 ]

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