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主题 : 『Sibyl听音乐』Green Pitch《Ace Of Hearts》[2007]:来自丹麦的梦幻摇滚
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『Sibyl听音乐』Green Pitch《Ace Of Hearts》[2007]:来自丹麦的梦幻摇滚

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唱片名称:Ace Of Hearts
专辑歌手:Green Pitch
专辑类型:Indie/ Dream Pop
唱片公司:Funzalo Records


01. In Amsterdam
02. Slow Down
03. Reverse
04. Midnight
05. Haunted by the Moon
06. New Year Departure
07. Liverpool
08. Unpredictable, Illogical
09. No Further Notice
10. Annie's Vision
11. Ace of Hearts
12. Going South
13. Diner



Green Pitch,乐队成员Rex和Ste,美丽的丹麦组合.

今年3月发行的专辑封面和厂牌Funzalo Records那只马神似.漂亮的外形,精致的嗓音.



Green Pitch is Rex Garfield and Ste Rasch at its core. This is the story of Rex & Ste - who became Green Pitch. Rex Garfield writes: I was born in Paris on December 24th, 1979. My mother and father had just moved there from Denmark with my three older siblings, because my father had been offered a job there as a preacher. A year after I was born he died suddenly, and my mother brought the family back to Denmark to raise us. Since I was a child I've been fond of words and have spent much time writing. When I was 17, I picked up my father's old Spanish guitar and started writing songs, but kept these to myself. In 1998, Ste moved from a small Danish island to Copenhagen, where we met, spending our last year of high school in the same class. He played guitar with the rock band The River Phoenix, which I joined for awhile as a backup singer. Ste and I became close friends and started composing songs together, and recording our music on a four track in the "Rivers'" rehearsing room. I was very confident and strong willed as a child, but that disappeared when I first started singing. I remember working in the rehearsing room alone, uneasy because someone might hear me. I'd wait for the bands in the other rehearsing rooms to start playing, so my voice would go unnoticed. I dreamed of performing, and often went with Ste to clubs where they had an open mic night. To Ste's frustration, I always chickened out. We moved in together after we graduated high school. A year later, in the summer of 2000, we went to Amsterdam with two friends. We'd been there for a couple days when we met some Norwegians who lived in an apartment on the top floor of the building. They invited us to come up for drinks, so we went. There was a ladder in the apartment leading to the roof, and we went up there to enjoy the view. Going back down I slipped and fell. Unfortunately I landed on the bottom of the stone staircase leading to the floor below. This accident made a mess of me, the worst of which was the total damage of my spinal cord. The accident left me paralyzed from the waist down. I was hospitalized for three weeks before I was stable enough to be put on a plane back home. Immediately I regained the will that I'd been lacking for so long. My mother told me later of statements that I made through a haze of morphine, statements that showed a sheer determination towards a life within the realm of music. After having an operation in Denmark, I was placed in a rehab center far away from Copenhagen. I stayed there for 10 months. During that time, I started writing, once again composing songs on my father's guitar that had been put away since Ste and I started collaborating. There was also a piano in a spare room on the floor where the laundry was done. It was away from the other patients. Here I found peace. Back in Copenhagen, we quickly established a home recording studio. We also obtained a booking agency and in 2002 began to play live. I will never forget the rush that I felt the first time I heard the audience applaud, while Ste carried me off of the stage. The recordings we did led to the album "Ace of Hearts" - soon to be available digitally and in stores March 6, 2007, on Funzalo Records.



『在线播放曲目《 Reverse》』


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sunnygong 威望 +10 2007-11-17 -
wondergirls 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 33756
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发帖: 11
橘果: 1152 颗
威望: 79 点
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注册时间: 2007-12-04
最后登录: 2008-01-01
1  发表于: 2007-12-04  
歌曲作的也很棒 ~~
虽然 这首歌和我想的稍有出入~~
书迷1986 离线
级别: 玫瑰骑士

UID: 26634
精华: 0
发帖: 920
橘果: 820 颗
威望: 608 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 52(时)
注册时间: 2007-10-14
最后登录: 2008-06-16
2  发表于: 2007-12-06  