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主题 : 推荐一些我喜欢的歌(可试听,3楼有更新)
yetaime 离线
级别: 玫瑰骑士

UID: 13070
精华: 1
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在线时间: 81(时)
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0  发表于: 2008-06-12  
来源于 音乐推荐 分类


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2.这是一首西班牙语歌,很有魅力的女声,名字是Siempre me quedará
Bebe是西班牙家喻户晓的可爱才情女歌手,Siempre me quedará 出自她2004年的专辑《Pa Fuera Telaraas》。


Siempre me quedará 我将永远在

Cómo decir que me parte en mil 如何讲述我将离开
las esquinitas de mis huesos, 我骨头的棱角
que han caído los esquemas de mi vida 我人生的图表业已被摧毁
ahora que todo era perfecto. 现在一切很好
Y algo más que eso, 但更棒的是
me sorbiste el seso y me decían del peso 你汲取我的理智
de este cuerpecito mío他们告知我我这具尸体的重要之处
que se ha convertío en río. 即能剧变
de este cuerpecito mío 我这具尸骨的只要之处
que se ha convertío en río. 即是能够剧变

Me cuesta abrir los ojos 我费力打开双眼
y lo hago poco a poco, 一点一点
no sea que aún te encuentre cerca. 尽管不是发现你在附近
Me guardo tu recuerdo 我保存着你的回忆
como el mejor secreto, 犹如最宝贵的秘密
que dulce fue tenerte dentro. 甜如你在怀中

Hay un trozo de luz 有一道光
en esta oscuridad 存在于这黑暗
para prestarme calma. 它给予我冷静
El tiempo todo calma, 时刻的冷静
la tempestad y la calma, 风暴与冷静
el tiempo todo calma, 时刻的冷静
la tempestad y la calma. 风暴与冷静

Siempre me quedará 我将永远在
la voz suave del mar, 海潮柔软的声音
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá 落下的雨滴又开始喘息
sobre este cuerpo y mojará 为这具尸骨
la flor que crece en mi, 和那浸入我体内生长的鲜花
y volver a reír 又开始笑
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti. 每天都会有一瞬间又开始想你
En la voz suave del mar, 海潮柔软的声音
en volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá 落下的雨滴又开始喘息
sobre este cuerpo y mojará 为这具尸骨
la flor que crece en mi, 和那浸入我体内生长的鲜花
y volver a reír 又开始笑
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti. 每天都会有一瞬间又开始想你

3.Say Goodbye feat Deborah GibsJordan Knight    上过uk榜,很舒服的一首歌曲,就是找不到歌词,泪~~[

4.sweetbox的Every Step,特别喜欢前奏。很喜欢sweetbox这个组合,他们的歌都不错。ps:she很多歌都是翻他们的,包括远方,爱呢,super star都是翻唱他们的

Every Step

In every crowded room
In every lonely bar
The faintest trace of u
Or on a busy street
When someone laughs like u
Loaded memories conquer me
And I give in
Every Step I take
Every move I make
Every strange new face
u are there
Every song I write
Every stair I climb
Every cold dark night
u are there
ur scent still in my clothes
ur opinions in my head
Searching faces for the one
I can't forget
How do u paint it black?
How do u turn ur back?
On every single dream
u believed
Every Step I take
Every move I make
Every strange new face
u are there
Every song I write
Every stair I climb
Every cold dark night
u are there
u're the face that gets lost
in the crowd
u're the strength in my bones
when I'm down
And u're memory is like steel
in my mouth
In every breath u are there
Every Step I take
Every move I make
Every strange new face
u are there
Every song I write
Every stair I climb
Every cold dark night
u are there flash: http://tv.mofile.com/cn/xplayer.swf?v=ZWG8LVA2&p=http://cache.mofile.com/tv/images/audio.jpg&autoplay=0&nowSkin=0_0


6.Das Spiel,德语歌,还是一首很舒缓的歌.演唱者是Annett Louisan,她是一个身高一米五二的娇小女人,一张邻家女孩一般平和亲柔的脸。她并不是踩着美色,家世,力量的叱咤风火轮踏入乐坛的。 25岁的Annett生于德国一个单亲家庭,当她在汉堡学习绘画的时候,Annett开始在酒馆打工演唱来支付学习和生活的费用。

Das Spiel游戏
daß du nicht mehr bist was du einmal warst 你为了我搬出来住之后,seit du dich für mich ausgezogen hast 就不再是曾经的那个你,
daß du alles schmeißt wegen einer Nacht 那个晚上你丢弃了所有,
und alles verlierst war so nicht gedacht 失去了一切,没有想到吧

du willst mich für dich und du willst mich ganz 你想让我属于你,只属于你,
doch auf dem Niveau macht’s mir keinen Spaß 可这种热度让我觉得无趣
das füllt mich nicht aus ich fühl mich zu haus 我不满意,我就像在家里一样,
nur zwischen den Stühlen 躺在椅子上
ich will doch nur spielen 我只是想玩
ich tu doch nichts 什么也不做

daß du wegen mir irgendwen verläßt 为了我,你离开了所有人
daß du manchmal weinst weil es dich verletzt 你有时候哭,因为这让你觉得受伤
daß es immer mal jemand andren gibt 总是会有人,这里那里,
der sich hier und da in mein leben schiebt不断的进入我的生活中

daß du dich verliebst weil du ’s mit mir tust爱上了你自己,因为你爱我
daß es dich so trifft hab ich nicht gewußt这些刺痛了你,而我不知道
es war nie geplant daß du dich jetzt fühlst从来没料想过,你现在的感觉,
wie einer von vielen 会跟许多人一样

ich will doch nur spielen 我只是想玩
ich tu doch nichts什么也没做
daß du nicht mehr schläfst weil es dich erregt 你睡不着了,因为这让你激动,
wenn ich mich beweg’ wie ich mich beweg’当我自由移动,自如的游移

daß du fast verbrennst unter meiner Hand 你在我的手中燃烧,
wenn ich dich berühr hab ich nicht geahnt当我抚摸你的时候,没有预料
ich steh nur so rum tu so dies und das 我只是站着 这么做,
fahr mir durch das Haar und schon willst du was 穿过我的头发,你总想要点什么

laß mal lieber sein hab zuviel Respekt还是就这样吧 你的感情
vor deinen Gefühlen 需要如此多尊严
ich will doch nur spielen 我只是想玩
ich tu doch nichts 什么也不做


[ 此贴被yetaime在2008-06-12 22:41重新编辑 ]
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依依丫丫 威望 +4 2006-12-19 -
小雯 离线
级别: 幻影射手
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1  发表于: 2008-06-12  
wujuanp 离线
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2  发表于: 2008-06-12  
yetaime 离线
级别: 玫瑰骑士

UID: 13070
精华: 1
发帖: 148
橘果: 2989 颗
威望: 690 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 81(时)
注册时间: 2007-07-07
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3  发表于: 2008-06-12  
7.Don't Push me,也是sweetbox唱,跟上面推荐的every step不同,这首歌的节奏更快些。

Don't push me--sweetbox

I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘em
Touch and tease ‘em kinda girl
I’m the perfect type
For one wild night

Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a *****?
I don’t really care, no

Well your roses were sweet
Really swept me off my feet
But I start to choke
When you say let’s elope

Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a *****
I don’t really care, no, no, no…

Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so far
Don’t cage me in, don’t tie me down
Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so far
Don’t cage me in, don’t tie me down

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh
Enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past

‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Maybe you’re the perfect man
That’s not how this story goes

You can write me fat checks or buy diamonds for my neck
Buy a big fat ring I prefer Tiffany’s

‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Maybe you’re the perfect man
That’s not how this story goes

No, no…

Don’t push, push me so hard
Don’t push me so far…no… (2x)

And I’m not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no I…
And I don’t wanna make you promises I can’t fulfill, no I…

Don’t push me, don’t push me, don’t push me, don’t push me down
Don’t cage me in…oh…
Don’t push me – I don’t wanna be tied down
Don’t push me so hard, yeah, don’t push me so far, no, no
Don’t cage me in, come on, don’t tie me down

8.Porque Te Vas,法语歌,在法语中, Porque te vas 意为……因为你走了…轻灵的女音,让人不禁沉醉其中。
  Porqué te vas? 
  Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol 
  y el corazón se pone triste contemplando la ciudad 
  por que te vas? 
  Como cada noche desperte pensando en ti 
  y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar 
  Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo 
  me olvidaras, me olvidaras 
  junto a la estación lloraré igual que un niño 
  me olvidarás, me olvidaras 
  Bajo la penumbra de un farol 
  se dormiran todas las cosas que quedaron por vivir 
  se dormiran 
  Junto a las manillas de un reloj se quedaran 
  todas las cosas que quedaron sin hablar 
  por que te vas? 
  por que te vas? por que te vas? 
  por que te vas? por que te vas? 
  por que te vas? por que te vas? 

9.christmas in my heart,演唱者Sarah Connor是德国一位很出名的歌手,他的歌还具有一定的教育意义,就像love is color blind就是反对种族歧视的,也很不错,值得一听。而这首 christmas in my heart,用柔和的女声低声吟唱出爱的真谛——只要你在我身边,就是我心中的圣诞。

Every time we say goodbye(每次我们说再见的时候)
There's something breaking deep inside(在内心深处就有一些事情被撕裂)
I tried to hide my feelings to keep myself controlled(我想收起我自己能够控制的感受)
But somehow I can't deny what's deep inside my soul(但是我不能否认那些深埋在我灵魂深处的东西)

I've been always on the run(我一直都在跑着)
So many different places, having fun(那么多不同的地方,多可笑)
But like a river always knows just where to flow(就像一条河总是知道自己将流向何方)
Now that Decemer comes I feel like coming home(现在冬天来了,我也回家了)

It's Christmas in my heart(这是我心里的圣诞节)
When I'm with you(当我和你一起的时候)
No matter where we are or what we do(不管我们在哪里,我们做了什么)

Tomorrow may be grey(明天可能是灰色的)
We may be torn apart(我们可能要分离)
But if you stay tonight(但是如果你今晚留在这里)
It's Christmas in my heart(这就是我心里的圣诞节)

verse 2
I don't know how to stay alive(我不知道怎么样去活下去)
Without your touch without you by my side(没有你的感动,没有你在我身边)
Just like the desert's always waiting for the rain(就像沙漠在等着雨水的滋润)
Oh baby, I wish the holy night would come again(宝贝,我希望这样圣洁的夜晚又会来临)


Everywhere I go and everyone I know(我去到任何地方,我认识的每一个人)
Is making lots of wishes for old Santa Claus(都在向圣诞老人许愿)
But all I really need tonight(但是今晚我真正需要的是)
Is for you to come and hold me tight(你回来抱着我)
What is Christmas without you here by my side(没有你的我身边的圣诞节什么也不是)
I need you tonight(今晚我需要你)

10just one last dance,也是Sarah Connor 唱的,比较早期的作品,被誉为经典,很好听~
just One Last Dance最后一曲

Translated by Recco 译/王小瑞

Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance
  最后一曲 哦 亲爱的 最后一曲
  We meet in the night in the Spanish café
  那个夜晚 我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇
  I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
  望着你的双眸 心有千言竟无语
  It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
  A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
  几个时辰过后 阳光便要升起
  tomorrow will come an it's time to realize
  our love has finished forever
  how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
  how I wish we make it through
  Just one last dance
  before we say goodbye
  when we sway and turn round and round and round
  it's like the first time
  Just one more chance
  hold me tight and keep me warm
  紧紧拥抱 充满爱意
  cause the night is getting cold
  and I don't know where I belong
  Just one last dance
  The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
  夜光美酒 琴声(吉它)响起
  I'll never forget how romantic they are
  浪漫之夜 永难忘记
  but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
  There's no way to come with you
  it's the only thing to do
  Just one last dance
  before we say goodbye
  when we sway and turn round and round and round
  it's like the first time
  Just one more chance
  hold me tight and keep me warm
  紧紧拥抱 充满爱意
  cause the night is getting cold
  and I don't know where I belong
  Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
  最后一曲 最后一次 最后一曲

11.love is color blind,上面提了,很好听也很有意义的一首歌。It don't matter if you're black 无论你是黑人
white or yellow, if you're brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人
let's get down to that 都让我们一起来实现
love is color-blind 爱无定界

Verse 1:
I remember when 我仍记得
I was a child and couldn't understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候
people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人

mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说
when you grow up you'll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要
to make these people see 使人们意识到
that everything I do comes back to me
You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活
we're all the same, no one's to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备
they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活
just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧

It don't matter if you're black 无论你是黑人
white or yellow, if you're brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人
let's get down to that 都让我们一起来实现
love is color-blind 爱无定界

I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候
I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕
I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛
and a situation's rackin' my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景

I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来
we need some lvoe y'all 我们大家都需要爱
we need some real deal help from above y'all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助
I mean the kids watchin' 我想说一个孩子看到
and I just can't see it stoppin', I don't understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂
I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊

You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活
better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好
let's make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子
they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活
and I don't care what color they are, or u are, or we are
it's all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱

You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈
you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟
what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹
if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸?
you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴
you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师
what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友?
would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

12.Creepin' up on you,节奏感很强的一首歌。很好听。
Creepin Up On You

Creepin Up On You
creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to do
情不自禁爱上你 是一件错事,
i found your address and got your phone number too
visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes
been to secret places you think nobody knows
if i had to live without you
nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i'm creepin' up on you
i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin' up on you
i've been hanging 'round all the places you haunt
spying on your friends to find out what you want
drinking from the glass that you left on the bar

follow you around driving home in your car
do i have to breathe without you?
'cause nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i'm creepin' up on you

i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin' up on you
i know this must be wrong
it can't go on
this kind of thing is taking all my sanity
and making me a mockery
so won't somebody free me from this misery?
bring my baby closer to me

'cause no one else can love you like i do
you feel it when i'm creepin' up on you

i know that it wouldn't be right

watching everything you do
yeah 'cause no one else can love you
no no one else should touch you
no one else can love you
touch you
love you
be with you
[ 此贴被yetaime在2008-06-12 21:06重新编辑 ]