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主题 : Bye Bye Bye    清新小调  能解你忧伤否?
筱柒柒 离线
级别: 冰雪之王

UID: 433456
精华: 1
发帖: 1993
橘果: 263 颗
威望: 4183 点
光辉成就: 0 分
群组: 暮光神殿
在线时间: 855(时)
注册时间: 2010-09-15
最后登录: 2014-08-10
0  发表于: 2010-09-15  
来源于 音乐推荐 分类

Bye Bye Bye    清新小调  能解你忧伤否?

Bye   bye   bye
 when i see you,looking back at me.watching this eye still,do your fingers
and your eyes have told thousands lights.but i cant tell this time.what you really meant.
we've been crossing the wires,and still no sparks.lost in tight, falling apart.
we've been together forever tell me why why why.
tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye.
and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry,
not left me the city,you bye bye bye.

I can sing another broken song,crying to hold on to your picture,
out of face,you hide behind your face,it is more than what i can take.move around the people
we've been crossing the wire,and still no spark.lost in tight, falling apart.
we've been together forever tell me why why why.
tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye.
and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry,
not left me the city,you bye bye bye.

you left me hanging on the light.why u still know my type.
you take a piss me.you've been drving too slow.
so i gotta let you go before you break me.em ayaah..
we've been together forever tell me why why why.
tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye.
and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry,
not left me the city,you bye bye bye.

we've been together forever tell me why why why.
tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye.
and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry,
not left me the city,you bye bye bye.
bye bye
好像有人一直在你耳边诉语  那些快乐的事情
和悲伤say  byebye  
希望每天开心无忧  呵呵。

馨妍 离线
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 47300
精华: 4
发帖: 3470
橘果: 3926 颗
威望: 13604 点
光辉成就: 10 分
在线时间: 5929(时)
注册时间: 2008-03-10
最后登录: 2024-04-13
1  发表于: 2010-09-16  

本论坛的名字是什么? 正确答案:橘园