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主题 : 感受阳光,来自瑞典的青春魅力 -- Firefly
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UID: 64100
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在线时间: 334(时)
注册时间: 2008-05-29
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0  发表于: 2008-05-29  
来源于 音乐推荐 分类

感受阳光,来自瑞典的青春魅力 -- Firefly

管理提醒: 本帖被 死如秋叶 从 音乐地带 移动到本区(2016-01-14)


when i said go i never meant away
you ought to know the freaky games we play
could you forgive and learn how to forget
hear me as i"m calling out your name
firefly come back to me
make the night as bringht as day
i"ll be looking out for you
tell me that you"re lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun that"s the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me
you and me
we shared a mistery
we were so close
like honey to the bee
and if you tell me how to make you understand
i"m minor in a major kind a way
fly firefly through the sky
come and play with my desire
don"t be long,don"t ask why
i can"t wait another night
wait another night
don"t be long
firefly come back[/post]
[ 此贴被yanyan320在2008-08-13 19:27重新编辑 ]