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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之Us Against The World
hongjing5 离线
级别: 幻影射手
UID: 255473
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0  发表于: 2009-08-21  
来源于 橘子翻唱 分类

我和音乐有个约会之Us Against The World

管理提醒: 本帖被 馨妍 执行取消加亮操作(2009-09-20)

和大家一起来分享.熨贴灵魂的旋律,纠结在你的骨与肉 之间,激荡你的血液,燃烧你的激情.带你进入幻想空间.你和与你相爱的人,站在高山之颠,你们的手握在一起,相对疑眸,彼此的眼中只有唯一.世界在你们脚下,或正离你们远去.微微一笑,看云淡风轻..........爽啊!!每次我听完这首歌,都觉得充满了力量,激情彭湃.反复的听,循环的放,我就不孤单....好想有个人 ,一直陪着我,那怕全世界都抛弃了我.你一直在我身边,牵着我的手,不离不弃.
Us Against The World
[00:09.44]By: Kevin Habbie
[00:15.01]You and I,                                  我和你
[00:17.37]we’ve been at it so long                   我们相爱已久
[00:19.86]I still got the strongest fire              但我依然热情如火
[00:23.14]You and I,                                  你和我
[00:24.82]we still know how to talk                   我们一直心灵相通
[00:27.46]Know how to walk that wire                  懂得如何在困境中前进
[00:32.02]Sometimes I feel like                       有时候我感觉
[00:33.80]The world is against me                     世界已离我而去
[00:36.01]The sound of your voice, baby               宝贝,是你甜美的声音
[00:37.61]That's what saves me                        拯救了我
[00:40.14]When we're together I feel so invincible    当我们在一起我感到战无不胜
[00:47.28]Cause it's us against the world             因为我们不屈服于命运
[00:51.09]You and me against them all                 你和我便拥有不屈的力量
[00:55.58]If you listen to these words                如果你听到这心灵的告白
[00:58.97]Know that we are standing tall              就会知道我们正站在世界之巅
[01:03.57]I don't ever see the day that               我从未想过会有一天
[01:06.98]I won't catch you when you fall             当你低落时我会放开你的手
[01:11.60]Cause it's us against the world             因为我们不屈服于命运
[01:15.53]tonight                                     就在今夜
[01:18.78]Us against the world
[01:21.06]Against the world
[01:23.54]There’ll be days                           或许有时候
[01:25.90]We’ll be on different sides but            我们会有不同的立场
[01:28.40]That doesn’t last too long                 但不会持续太久
[01:31.44]We find ways to get it on track             我们有自己的方法回到原来
[01:35.95]And know how to turn back on                知道如何再创激情
[01:40.52]Sometimes I feel                            有时我感到
[01:41.93]I can’t keep it together                   我已承受不起
[01:44.39]Then you hold me close                      那时你将我紧紧抱住
[01:46.04]And you make it better                      是你让我们的爱逾坚
[01:48.54]When I’m with you                          当你陪在我身边
[01:49.87]I can feel so unbreakable                   我就无所不能
[01:55.83]Cause it's us against the world             因为我们不屈服于命运
[01:59.42]You and me against them all                 你和我便拥有不屈的力量    
[02:03.51]If you listen to these words                如果你听到这心灵的告白
[02:07.33]Know that we are standing tall              就会知道我们正站在世界之巅
[02:11.62]I don't ever see the day that               我从未想过会有一天
[02:15.43]I won't catch you when you fall             当你低落时我会放开你的手
[02:20.01]Cause it's us against the world             因为我们不屈服于命运
[02:24.02]tonight                                     就在今夜
[02:28.07]We’re not gonna break                      我们不会分离                          [02:29.84]Cause we both still believe                 因为我们始终坚信                  
[02:31.87]We know what we’ve got                     我们明白曾经所拥有的
[02:33.70]And we’ve got what we need alright         以及我们所追求向往的
[02:38.56]We’re doing something right                我们选择的都是正确的
[02:42.88]Cause it's us against the world             因为我们不屈服于命运
[02:47.53]You and me against them all                 你和我便拥有不屈的力量
[02:51.99]If you listen to these words                如果你听到这心灵的告白
[02:55.48]Know that we are standing tall              就会知道我们正站在世界之巅
[03:00.00]I don't ever see the day that               我从未想过会有一天
[03:04.02]I won't catch you when you fall             当你低落时我会放开你的手
[03:09.10]Us against the world                        因为我们不屈服于命运
[03:11.46]You and me against them all                 你和我便拥有不屈的力量
[03:16.24]If you listen to these words                如果你听到这心灵的告白
[03:19.45]Know that we are standing tall              就会知道我们正站在世界之巅
[03:24.07]I don't ever see the day that               我从未想过会有一天
[03:26.99]I won't catch you when you fall             当你低落时我会放开你的手
[03:32.54]Us against the world
[03:36.23]Yeah it’s Us against the world, baby
[03:40.55]Us against the world
[ 此帖被神奇的小七七在2009-08-25 15:59重新编辑 ]
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寂寞非烟 威望 +7 2007-01-22 -
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 109533
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群组: 暮光神殿
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1  发表于: 2009-08-22  
小鱼儿08 离线
级别: 幻影射手
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2  发表于: 2009-08-28  
感觉一下 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 21903
精华: 0
发帖: 908
橘果: 8132 颗
威望: 1422 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 745(时)
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3  发表于: 2009-08-30  

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