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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之青涩的纺织
级别: 玫瑰骑士

UID: 203995
精华: 0
发帖: 201
橘果: 4737 颗
威望: 478 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 259(时)
注册时间: 2009-06-02
最后登录: 2024-05-14
0  发表于: 2009-08-16  
来源于 橘子翻唱 分类


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30 minutes
Mama, Papa forgive me

Out of sight, out of mind
Out of time to decide
Do we run? Should I hide?
For the rest of my life

Can we fly? Do we stay?
We could lose, we could fail
In the moment it takes
To make plans or mistakes

30 minutes, the blink of an eye
30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies
30 minutes to finally decide

Carousels in the sky
That we shape with our ways
Under shade silhouettes
Casting shame
Crying rain

To decide, to decide to decide to decide
To decide to decide to decide to decide
To decide
30 minutes的第一句Mama, Papa,Forgive me,那沙哑的嗓音令我突然红了眼眶。明明知道父母反对,明明知道成功的几率不大,明明知道最后哭的很可能是自己……太多的明明知道,可我们仍会义无反顾的去做,从来都是这样,因为我们固执的认为,父母的错误,不一定就是我们的错误,是赌博,又是希望……我们对未来充满憧憬,也祈祷着,期待着,希望自己独立,成熟,to decide的那个人是自己。我们的固执在父母的眼中就是叛逆,可是这样值不值得,也只有我们自己知道,只有对他们说please forgive me……

Ah, ah, ahh...
Honestly, what will become of me  Don't like reality  It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
Miss everything daydreaming
Flames to dust  Lovers to friends
  Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust  Lovers to friends  
Why do all good things come to an end  
Come to an end  Come to an
Why do all good things come to an end
Come to an end  Come to an  
Why do all good things come to an end
Traveling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay-tay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies  
The pain sets in and I don't cry  
I only feel gravity and I wonder why  
Flames to dust  Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end  
Flames to dust  Lovers to friends  
Why do all good things come to an end  
Come to an end  Come to an  
Why do all good things come to an end  
Come to an end  Come to an
Why do all good things come to an end
And the dogs were whistling a new tune  
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon
So that they could...  
Dogs were whistling a new tune  
Barking at the new moon  
Hoping it would come soon  
Soon so that they could die  (Diee... Diee... Diee...)  Flames to dust
Lovers to friends  
Why do all good things come to an end  Flames to dust  Lovers to friends  
Why do all good things come to an end Come to an end  Come to an (end)
Why do all good things come to an end (end) Come to an end (end) Come to an (end)
Why do all good things come to an (end)
When the dogs were barking at the new moon  
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon  
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day  Til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling and the clouds were dropping
And the rainfall forgot how to bring salvation  
The dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

All good things这首歌不知道大家听过没有,但是它确实带给了我淡淡的忧伤,在公交车上,坐在洒满阳光的地方反复的听,听这首歌,风柔和地吹过脸庞,还是吹痛了脸颊,眼睛受不了阳光的直射,闭上了,渐渐的靠在椅子背上,可以感觉阳光照在身上暖暖的感觉,可是还是感觉丝丝的凉意,没错,好像在感受生命的流逝……泪落生花,身为高中生的我感叹时光带走的东西一去不复返,毕竟,我们再也不能拉着父母的双手一蹦一跳的去乐园过六一儿童节了,嘴里一直哼唱着:“flames to dust ,lovers to friends, why do all good things come to an end……”直到终点站……


Dying In The Sun (The Cranberries)

Do you remember
The things we used to say?
I feel so nervous
When I think of yesterday

How could I let things
Get to me so bad?
How did I let things get to me?

Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying...
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying...

Will you hold on to me
I am feeling frail
Will you hold on to me
We will never fail

I wanted to be so perfect you see
I wanted to be so perfect

Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying...
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying...

还有这首歌,dying in the sun,那年夏天,在校园的草地上,天很蓝很蓝,阳光温和,我躺在草地上,享受片刻的温暖,而帅气的你站在我的旁边替我遮挡了半片阳光,那次,在阳光下虽然看不清你的脸,可是我还是看清了你伸向我的手,大大的宽厚的手掌,你说你是跟我同班的转学生,我毫不犹豫的伸手搭在了你手心向上的手掌上……初中毕业,你我分开,虽然时常见面,可是我还是从好友那里听说了你的新女友非常漂亮,跟你是同班同学,学习很好……我笑了,笑了,笑着上了公交车,坐在后面的位子上,旁边是我同学,同学说发现了一首很好听的老歌,但忧伤,我听了,听着听着就哭了,同学诧异,问我为什么落泪?我不擦拭泪水,只是抽噎着说,这首歌太伤感了,我太感性了,其实,我想说的是:Do you remember the things we used to say? ……How could I let things get to me so bad? How did I let things get to me? ……Like dying in the sun……抽干了我所有的力气……

[ 此帖被古铜色月牙在2009-08-18 11:41重新编辑 ]
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橘子水水 橘果 +3 2007-07-14 -
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级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 223153
精华: 0
发帖: 89
橘果: 79 颗
威望: 5 点
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在线时间: 24(时)
注册时间: 2009-06-30
最后登录: 2018-03-25
1  发表于: 2009-08-18  


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