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主题 : 我和音乐有个约会之那些久远的记忆(英文老歌)
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
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橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
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在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
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0  发表于: 2009-08-15  
来源于 橘子翻唱 分类


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寂寞非烟 威望 +7 2007-01-22 -
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
精华: 0
发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
最后登录: 2019-12-18
1  发表于: 2009-08-15  

记得第一次看到Shane MacGowan照片的时候,我彻底被震撼了,从没有见到过牙齿坏到这样程度的灵长类哺乳动物...但这并不影响我们爱上他那诗意而沧桑,带着爱尔兰共和军革命式气魄的声音

The Pogues, 这样一个游荡于80年代的传统凯尔特式非主流punk乐队,好像盖里奇的英国黑帮电影,激进,堕落,而又纯真的一塌糊涂,就像这首Fairytale Of New York----它是我听过的最好的圣诞歌

Fairytale Of New York--The Pogues

It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night
The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day

You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last

The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells are ringing out
For Christmas day

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you

The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells are ringing out
For Christmas day
[ 此帖被hc0916在2009-08-17 20:41重新编辑 ]
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
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发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
最后登录: 2019-12-18
2  发表于: 2009-08-16  

这个mp3是小野丽莎的翻唱版本,就是电影《两小无猜》的Louis Armstrong版本,但是后面的歌词是原唱Édith Piaf的,我怎么都找不到小野丽莎版本的歌词,所以先把这个贴上去将就一下


在bossa nova女王小野丽莎的低吟浅唱中,爱情的温柔触手可及,温暖舒适的感情弥漫,像风亲吻花瓣,像羽毛抚过心田...

La vie en rose ---Ono Lisa

Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des enuis des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux a en mourir.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est toi pour moi. Moi pour toi
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat
[ 此帖被hc0916在2009-08-17 20:44重新编辑 ]
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
精华: 0
发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
最后登录: 2019-12-18
3  发表于: 2009-08-16  

每次淘碟的时候向老板问起ryan adams,老板都会很豪爽的拿起bryan adams的碟说他的CD还多着呢,弄的人有点小郁闷,明明不是一个人的说...

其实这是ryan adams05年的作品,和久远没有任何关系,但是,它能勾起我们的那些小心思,和那么一点点原以为灰飞烟灭的前尘过往

在下着雨的午后,端一杯咖啡,雨声和着ryan adams沙哑的嗓音,don't bother. I'll be fine...

strawberry wine - ryan adams

last night in the street collapsed on itself
in fact, it broke right in two
and i fell in
the strawberry vines
into a pool of strawberry wine

strawberry wine and clouds
burning in the desert, surrounded in flowers
but the stems broke the armor
and the morning comes
until its all just the same things again
oh god,
don't spend too much time on the other side
let the daylight in,
before you get old and you cant break out of it
my old friend,
cause its getting winter, and if you want any flowers
you gotta get your seeds in to the ground
and i worry about you, why? because you want me to

can you still have any famous last words
if you're somebody nobody knows,
i don't know
somebody go and ask clair
she's been dead twenty years just look at her hair
strawberry blonde with curls
she gets hair done then she gossips
with the younger waitress girls at the bar

the old irish rose
drinking strawberry wine
until it comes out her nose
she spent too much time on the other side,
and she forgot to let the daylight in
so before you get old you'd better break out of it
my old friend,
cause its getting winter and if you want any flowers
you gotta get your seeds in to the ground,
and i worry about you,
why because you want me too

this fella downtown, he jumped off a bridge
he was angry about a letter he received from his friend
he fell in
to the arms of the most beautiful girls
that have ever lived in the history of the world
and with nothing left to lose he got screwed
he sold his apartment before they made him move
then he jumped straight in
to the san francisco bay
now he lives on molly's farm
picking berries all day
don't spend too much time on the other side
let the daylight in

marty was a kid when he learned steal boats
his dad was a dj on the radio
he fell in
to a life
of riverboat crime
now has the man you see in prison
if you want strawberry wine
strawberry wine and smokes
he sent a letter to his friend
explaining one night on coke
he and clair
jumped in to the strawberry vines
and lord knows you get lost
on that strawberry wine

don't spend too much time on the other side,
let the daylight in

and i'm getting old and i gotta break out of it
my old friend,
cause its getting winter and if i want any flowers
i gotta get those seeds in to the ground,
and if you worry about me
don't bother
i'll be fine
i'm just sitting here laughing
little old me and my strawberry wine

strawberry wine
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xsynaw 离线
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UID: 11447
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4  发表于: 2009-08-16  



hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
精华: 0
发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
最后登录: 2019-12-18
5  发表于: 2009-08-17  
管理提醒: (荼糜) 请补上自己的评,谢谢 (2009-08-25 15:33)





just one last dance---sarah connor

just one last dance

we meet in the night in the spanish café
i look in your eyes just don't know what to say
it feels like i'm drowning in salty water
a few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
tomorrow will come an it's time to realize
our love has finished forever
how i wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
how i wish we make it through
just one last dance
before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn round and round and round
it's like the first time
just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance
the wine and the lights and the spanish guitar
i'll never forget how romantic they are
but i know, tomorrow i'll lose the one i love
there's no way to come with you
it's the only thing to do
just one last dance
before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn round and round and round
it's like the first time
just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and i don't know where i belong
just one last dance
....oh baby...
just one last dance
before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn round and round and round
it's like the first time
just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and i don't know where i belong
[ 此帖被hc0916在2009-08-27 22:17重新编辑 ]
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
精华: 0
发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 187(时)
注册时间: 2009-04-20
最后登录: 2019-12-18
6  发表于: 2009-08-17  
管理提醒: (荼糜) 请补上自己的评 (2009-08-25 15:33)

这首情歌在美国被传唱时,是和911联系在一起的,歌颂赞美着kiss away the pain,and stand by you forever的那些消防员,那些救助者,那些英雄


Hero---Enrique Iglesias

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Or would you run and never look back ?
Would you cry if you saw me crying ?
And would you save my soul tonight ?
Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Or would you laugh ? Oh, please tell me this.
Now would you die for the one you love ?
Oh, hold me in your arms tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

Would you swear that you'll always be mine ?
Or would you lie ? would you run and hide ?
Am I in too deep ? Have I lost my mind ?
I don't care. You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away

I just want to hold you.
I just want to hold you.
Am I in too deep ? Have I lost my mind ?
I don't care. You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain
And I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away
You can take my breath away
[ 此帖被hc0916在2009-08-27 22:20重新编辑 ]
hc0916 离线
级别: 吟游仙子
UID: 178869
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发帖: 58
橘果: 508 颗
威望: 68 点
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在线时间: 187(时)
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7  发表于: 2009-08-27  

在cold water和cheers darlin'之间犹豫到底要选哪个,朋友说cold water带有一种宗教式的感召,听的直起鸡皮疙瘩,其实damien的歌总是这样平静的忧伤着,但在这忧伤下却隐藏着绝望的漩涡,窒息感在不经意间汹涌澎湃,喷薄而出,带来瞬间的眩晕,就像这首cheers darlin‘

他被邀请去参加她的婚礼,cheers亲爱的,你可知道,在你喊他名字的时候,在你跟他回家的时候我就已经死掉了。对你来说我到底是什么呢,耳边飘过的细语抑,一块蛋糕,还是你犯下的最大的错?  其实我只是太过害羞,才会对你撒谎。等你那么久,却只听到了婚礼的钟声...

Cheers Darlin' --Damien Rice

Cheers darlin'  
Here's to you and your lover boy  
Cheers darlin'  
I got years to wait around for you  
Cheers darlin'  
I've got your wedding bells in my ear  
Cheers darlin'  
You give me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away  

And I die when you mention his name  
And I lied, I should have kissed you  
When we were running the reins  

What am I darlin'?  
A whisper in your ear?  
A piece of your cake?  
What am I,darlin?  
The boy you can fear?  
Or your biggest mistake?  

Cheers darlin'  
Here's to you and your lover man  
Cheers darlin'  
I just hang around and eat from a can  
Cheers darlin'  
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar  
Cheers darlin'  
I got a beauty queen  
To sit not very far from here  

I die when he comes around  
To take you home  
I'm too shy  
I should have kissed you when we were alone  

What am I darlin'?  
A whisper in your ear?  
A piece of your cake?  
What am I,darlin?  
The boy you can fear?  
Or your biggest mistake?  

Oh what am I? What am I darlin'?  
I got years to wait around you.  
倒黴蛋 离线
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8  发表于: 2009-08-28  
我保证我会回来的 !!!

《微微一笑很倾城》的作者是谁? 正确答案:顾漫