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主题 : 【听我想听】Babyface - Mad, Sexy, Cool SO!
书迷1986 离线
级别: 玫瑰骑士

UID: 26634
精华: 0
发帖: 920
橘果: 820 颗
威望: 608 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 52(时)
注册时间: 2007-10-14
最后登录: 2008-06-16
0  发表于: 2008-03-12  
来源于 音乐推荐 分类

【听我想听】Babyface - Mad, Sexy, Cool SO!

管理提醒: 本帖被 死如秋叶 从 音乐地带 移动到本区(2016-01-14)

歌名:mad sexy cool

Mad, Sexy, Cool

You don’t ever bring no drama to the game
And my drama be scaring you away
You don’t ever talk to much
You know how and when and where and what to say
It aint like I gotta tell you you’re so fine
You’ve been getting complements since you was nine
It’s like you perfect
A diamond in the rough
I know you give me noting else but love
You’re such mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do,what you say
How you be
how you play
how you love
how your constantly the same
how you give
never hate
and you don’t ever change
be consistently that way
you’re mad sexy cool girl
and I love you that way

you’ll be ruling with a certain shade of cool
I don’t know nobody half as fresh as you
I’ll be checking your behavour
Sometimes I wanna call you juicy fruit
It aint like I gotta tell you you’re star
You’ll be shining and be sparkling in the dark
Girl you’re so perfect
You’re my diamond in the rough
I know you give me nothing else love
You’re such mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do,what you say
How you be
how you play
how you love
how your constantly the same
how you give
never hate
and you don’t ever change
be consistently that way
you’re mad sexy cool girl
and I love you the same
how dose someone
so beautiful
so aporchable
(baby) guess you’re got some kind wonderful
my dreams come true

You’re such mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do,what you say
How you be
how you play
how you love
how your constantly the same
how you give
never hate
and you don’t ever change
be consistently that way
you’re mad sexy cool girl
You’re such mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do,what you say
How you be
how you play
how you love
how your constantly the same
how you give
never hate
and you don’t ever change
be consistently that way
you’re mad sexy cool girl
you’re mad sexy cool girl
How does someone turn into you girl
How do you explain
What you do







[ 此贴被书迷1986在2008-06-07 19:45重新编辑 ]

749030703 离线
级别: 幻影射手
UID: 59440
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发帖: 605
橘果: 5691 颗
威望: 235 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 93(时)
注册时间: 2008-05-07
最后登录: 2011-12-10
1  发表于: 2008-05-26  
datura 在线
级别: 守护天使

UID: 2504
精华: 0
发帖: 1431
橘果: 8669 颗
威望: 9108 点
光辉成就: 0 分
在线时间: 2347(时)
注册时间: 2007-02-17
最后登录: 2024-05-18
2  发表于: 2008-06-07  