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主题 : ◆音乐有爱余佳音◆之浮音绘色送温情(编辑完成)
莫星尘 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 245008
精华: 0
发帖: 2112
橘果: 1903 颗
威望: 1516 点
光辉成就: 1 分
群组: 腹黑大本营
在线时间: 1093(时)
注册时间: 2009-08-01
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0  发表于: 2010-02-25  
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[ 此帖被莫星尘在2010-02-25 14:16重新编辑 ]
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hnizyj918 橘果 +70 2010-02-25 感谢分享,加分鼓励
莫星尘 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 245008
精华: 0
发帖: 2112
橘果: 1903 颗
威望: 1516 点
光辉成就: 1 分
群组: 腹黑大本营
在线时间: 1093(时)
注册时间: 2009-08-01
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1  发表于: 2010-02-25  

No.1 to 凌光波动  



      所以送上这首来自Taylor Swift 的《Jump then fall》,Taylor Swift略带沙哑的声音纯粹而随行,一首小情歌就像是一篇心情手迹,被她用点点慵懒的曲调娓娓道来,诉说着属于自己的倔强和温柔……


Jump Then Fall  

I like the way you sound in the morning,  
We're on the phone and without a warning,  
I realised that your laugh is the,  
Best sound I've ever heard.  

I like the way I can't keep my focus,  
I watch you talk, you didn't notice,  
I hear the words, but all I can think is,  
'We should be together'.  

Every time you smile, I smile,  
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you.  

Woah oh, I'm feeling you baby,  
Do-on't be afraid to jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
It's you and me.  

Be there, never gonna leave you,  
Say that that you wanna be with me, too,  
It’s our mistake, but we’d also jump then fall.  

Well, I like the way your head,  
Falls in your face,  
And you got the keys to me,  
I love your speckle on your face.  

Oh, never been so wrapped up,  
Honey, I like the way that you’re,  
Everything I’ve ever wanted.  

I’ve had time to think it o-over,  
And all I can say is come closer,  
Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me.  

‘Cause every time you smile, I smile,  
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you.  

Woah oh, I'm feeling you baby,  
Do-on't be afraid to jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
It's you and me.  

Be there, never gonna leave you,  
Say that that you wanna be with me, too,  
It’s our mistake, but we’d also jump and fall.  

The bottom’s gonna drop out from under our feet,  
I’ll catch you, I’ll catch you.  
And people say things that bring you to your knees,  
I’ll catch you.  

The time is gonna come when you’re so mad you could cry.  
But I’ll hold you through,  
I matter to you,  

Woah-oh, I need you baby,  
Do-on’t be afraid please, jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
It's you and me.  

Be there, never gonna leave you,  
Say that that you wanna be with me, too,  
It’s our mistake, but we’d also,  
Jump then fall.  

Jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
It’s you and me; it’s you and me,  

Every time you smile, I smile,  
And every time you shine, I shine.  
And every time you’re here, baby, I’ll show you,  
I’ll show you, you can jump then fall.  

Jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
Jump then fall,  
It’s you and me; it’s you and me.  

[ 此帖被莫星尘在2010-02-28 23:12重新编辑 ]
莫星尘 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 245008
精华: 0
发帖: 2112
橘果: 1903 颗
威望: 1516 点
光辉成就: 1 分
群组: 腹黑大本营
在线时间: 1093(时)
注册时间: 2009-08-01
最后登录: 2023-12-26
2  发表于: 2010-02-25  

No.2 to 铃木攸



      小攸在园子里很受欢迎,此次活动中亦收到众多赠歌,但是莫莫还是想再送一首给刚刚开始慢慢熟悉的攸~攸是一个很可爱又有礼的MM,在茶馆屡屡碰面时就如此觉得,在和攸聊过几次后愈发感受到小攸的乖巧贴心。小攸现在还是日日繁忙的高中生,莫莫作为过来人最明白高中学习的辛苦和不易。之前莫莫在她的赠歌帖中回送一首《Born to try》,希望小攸可以一直积极努力地学习生活着不被任何挫折绊住前进的步伐~今天莫莫想再送给小攸一曲《J’ai pas vingt ans》,青春的明亮和光辉是一种张扬到极致的华丽,莫莫祝愿小攸在学习生活之余能够拥有充实快乐的生活,不被陈规所束缚,自由自在地体验高中生独有的青春年华。

      来自Alizée的《J’ai pas vingt ans》,翻成中文是《我未满二十》,Alizée独特的嗓音合着轻快时尚的曲风,唱出了属于少女的独树一帜和自由主张。


J'ai pas vingt ans

C'est pas l'histoire d'un jour
Qui rime avec amour,
Plutôt un long séjour
Mais pas: un "pour toujours",
J'veux pas d'un "pour la vie" qui mène au paradis,
Moi j'ai le temps!
C'est juste un compromis, un peu comme l'eau de pluie
Qui devient l'océan...
C'est pas l'enfer non plus
Question d'habitude...
Si c'est pour la vie, tant pis,
Alors dis oui...

J'aime pas l'habitude!
J'aime pas quand ça dure!
J'ai pas vingt ans...
J'ai pas d'attitude...
Même si j'ai l'allure!
J'ai pas vingt ans...
Et des talons aiguilles: un talent de fille,
Mélodie du vent...
Je change comme je rime, cachet d'aspirine,
On est vieux a vingt ans...
Moi j'ai le temps!

C'est pas l'histoire d'amour
Qui coule comme l'adour
Plutôt un courant d'air
Qui souffle sur la terre
J'veux plus d'un: je m'attache, qui m'ennuie et me fâche
Moi j'ai le temps!
Plutôt un coup d'audace, faut m'aimer à ma place

Et m'attendre au tournant

La la la la la, mélodie du vent

[ 此帖被莫星尘在2010-02-28 23:14重新编辑 ]
莫星尘 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 245008
精华: 0
发帖: 2112
橘果: 1903 颗
威望: 1516 点
光辉成就: 1 分
群组: 腹黑大本营
在线时间: 1093(时)
注册时间: 2009-08-01
最后登录: 2023-12-26
3  发表于: 2010-02-25  

No.3  to Alwayslove




      这首来自Groove Coverage的《She》,送给轩子斑斑。记忆中这是大学校园中经常听到的旋律,Groove Coverage的声音率性而通透,描述着世间每一个精巧善良的女子,伴随着心中大学生活的甜酸苦乐,始终是记忆中值得细品的一杯暖茶……



She hangs out every day near by the beach
Havin’ a Heineken fallin’ asleep
She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand
Nobody ever put a ring on her hand

Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea
She is the story the story is she
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world

She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
She comes in the morning, in the evening she’s gone
Every little hour every second you live

Trust in eternity that’s what she gives
She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne
She talks like Monica and Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty
She is like you and me
Like them like we
She is in you and me

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
Na na na na na ….

[ 此帖被莫星尘在2010-02-25 15:15重新编辑 ]
莫星尘 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 245008
精华: 0
发帖: 2112
橘果: 1903 颗
威望: 1516 点
光辉成就: 1 分
群组: 腹黑大本营
在线时间: 1093(时)
注册时间: 2009-08-01
最后登录: 2023-12-26
4  发表于: 2010-02-25  


      在茶馆一直努力巡帖、不厌其烦为地莫莫答疑解惑的青囊花开 ,在逸区和茶馆一直受其关照的阿普,几乎随处可见辛勤工作的蝈大,还有尽心尽职的其他所有斑竹……你们为包括莫莫在内的所有橘子营造出了最为舒适温馨的网络家园,从来不像一般网站那样只用冷冰冰的话语执行各种操作,每条留言的字里行间都透露着友好,让大家都觉得很温暖。



      为大家送上这首来自HSM的《Just wanna be with you》,Zac和Vanessa动听的对唱一直能让人感到音乐的和谐和美妙。就像歌中唱的那样,“Through every up through every down, you know I’ll always be around, through anything you can count on me…… ”


Just wanna be with you

I've got a lot of things,
I have to do, all these discrations,
our future's coming soon
we're being pulled
In hundred different directions
But whatever happens....
I know I've got you

You're on my mind, you’re in my heart
It doesn't matter where we are
We'll be alright, even if we're....
Miles apart!

All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you
There's nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only you
No matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apart
You know it's true
I just wanna be with you
Just Be With You
Oh yeah

You know how life can be, it changes over night
It's sunny then raining, but it's alright
A friend like you
Always makes it easy!
I know that you get me
Every time
Through every up, through every down, you know i'll always be around
Through anything, you can count on me!

All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you
There's nothing we can do,  just wanna be with you, only you
No matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apart
You know it's true
I just wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you

[ 此帖被莫星尘在2010-02-25 15:10重新编辑 ]
级别: 橘园贵宾

UID: 213577
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5  发表于: 2010-02-25  
莫莫呀。。。{摸摸=-=}我在很多帖子里见过你的诶。。。并且我在很多帖子里回帖都在你后面的说= =

摸摸~sinoMM好哈~大概是因为MM回帖在我后面的关系,所以没留神注意到= =|||今天莫莫记住啦,我们交个朋友吧^_^
凌光波动 离线
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UID: 123841
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6  发表于: 2010-02-25  
铃木攸 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 257442
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7  发表于: 2010-02-25  
柚子的歌( 请点点我么~)
铃木攸 离线
级别: 皓月祭司

UID: 257442
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8  发表于: 2010-02-25  
柚子的歌( 请点点我么~)
alwayslove 离线
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UID: 296421
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9  发表于: 2010-02-25  

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