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雕刻时光110 2010-06-06 20:29

it's amazing jem

Do it now
You know you are
You feel it in your heart
And your burning and wishin
At 1st wait, it won't be on a plate
Your gonna work for it harder and harder
And I know cause i've been there before
Knockin on door with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you
Pactents now frustration in the air
And people who dont care
Well its gonna get you down
And you'll fall (fall)
Yes you will hit a wall
Get back up on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter
And i know i've been there before
Knockin on door wont take no for an answer
And you'll see cause if its ment to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you

It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you
It's amazing its amazing all that you can do
Its amazing it makes my heart sing
Now its up to you

歌手简介Jem,原名 Jemma Griffiths,  来自英国威尔斯。13 岁就开始创作并演唱,29 岁才发行了自己的处女专辑《Finally Woken》。Jem被誉为“Dido II”,但她终究不是Dido,声线和曲风跟 Dido 确实都非常相似,她如Dido 般慵懒,慵懒中却透露着一股淡雅;她如Dido 般空旷,空旷中却又动人非常。这张混合了流行摇滚、古典民谣、电子音乐、世界音乐等元素的专辑很快风靡了全世界,在英国获得第六名的专辑已在排行榜上占据超过30周,并创下全英点播亚军曲“They”与冠军曲“Just A Ride”两首热门单曲。Jem在影视中的音乐作品也很多,《龙骑士》的片尾曲《Once In Every Lifetime》,还有《欲望都市》里的一首《It's Amazing》,也同样是令人过耳不忘。   除了以上几首,还有一首24,据说是《致命紫罗兰》的主题曲。其实,也许她的出名比我想像的来的还要强烈些,它还被莫文蔚翻唱为“24hrs”,收录于《如果没有你》。另外那首萎靡的“They”也被蔡依林翻唱为 Motorola 广告歌。   被誉为Dido第二的Jem可谓是大器晚成。今年29岁的她才发行了自己的处女专辑Finally Woken。所幸的是这张类似Dido曲风的专辑很快风靡了全世界。相比于Dido的飘渺,Jem的音乐多了一种尘世味道。虽说是民谣专辑,可是也融合了Rap~hip-pop等流行元素在其中。应该来说,这不是一张纯粹的英式专辑,它其实也混杂了许多世界音乐的成分。Jem也许并不算是一个美丽的女子,不过听着她的音乐时,却能感受到她纯净的心灵。

yunyunyun 2010-06-08 23:45

馨妍 2010-06-08 23:52

为你年轻 2010-06-12 15:01
很早就喜欢这首歌啦  每一次听都会心情有点振奋的说  

nanako_7 2010-06-24 17:21

纳兰惠 2011-09-03 19:17

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